
38,433. Too many items in my Library. :(

This is a pro-business move. Right up Republican alleys. Fuck citizens: Corporations rule!

Who in the world is still using number-of-cores as a decision-making metric? I'm still looking for the 'Intel Inside' stickers on Macs.

Solar flares.

Me likey!

At first, I was thwarted by this procedure. But then it hit me: Forget that every login except my MobileMe one exists.

Can you tell me how many cores it has again? I like cores; the more, the better. More cores magically create an intuitive UI and generates pixie dust via the microphone opening. Does it have a parallel port as well?

Just be glad that Robert Mapplethorpe didn't snap Steve's photos.

This is awesome. I mean, it is truly captivating. Finally, corporate speak has emerged from between-the-lines.

PinchPoint is what they should call it.

My point exactly: Please the marketing department first, putting out crap if that's the case; satisfy customers whenever you decide to finish the x.1 patch.

What's up with the updated Tilt-Shift? As you decrease the size of the in-focus area, the transition becomes less blurred, creating these annoying, obvious lines between in-focus and out-of-focus. There is way to adjust this, like in the previous version.

If they were smart, they wouldn't have created this screen until right before the GM build. It's the equivalent of a car company designing a car around the airbags instead of the other way around.

What version of OS X is that from? To be honest, I haven't seen the OS X SOD since Tiger.

Is there a way to donate money to assist in legal fees? I would love to see Warner Sisters get fucked in the ass.

Hmmmm, my iPad just heard footsteps behind it.

Does it come with a coupon for a free 6-pack of PBRs? And a matching Fidel Castro hat? And a "I drive a Dodge Valiant" t-shirt? And a unusable razor blade?

Gizmodo phone reviews would be much more concise if, at the beginning of the article, they included a 'Rating compared to iPhone' metric.

This is a big pile of shit for Apple.

When it does it become One? And I'm being nitpicky. Is it when his first foot touches the step-stool? Second foot? When he salutes the Marine on guard? When the hatch is shut? When he taps the pilot on the shoulder to take off? When it's off the ground?