
I'm not certain if we even know that they weren't together at the time. Obviously from her point of view they weren't. But it's hard to say for sure whether that was communicated to him or not. After all why else would he have a key to the room they were doing the nasty in?

Yeah, I couldn't stand losing a hand. Maybe I could part with my pinky or ring fingers but nothing else. I used to think losing a leg wouldn't bother me that much, but then I started climbing and legs are kind of important for that.

Does this not strike anyone else as an incredibly dumb career move? I mean he's essentially gone from a sturdy ocean liner that's recently sprung a few leaks to a rusty tugboat that's taking on water fast. And is also on fire.

It doesn't make me that mad when I see cheaters, I just move on. But I don't get angry because they're just too pathetic to get annoyed at. Someone who'd pay just so they can pretend to be awesome at a game? It's just sad and shallow. And hackers/botters? You're paying for a computer to play for you, that just

The funny thing is that this would be a far more useful feature had Microsoft moved forward on their DRM plans. As it stands now it's just situationally handy.

When I was growing up my parents grew too used to the idea that games could be paused at the drop of a hat. They never really cottoned to why you can't really pause online multiplayer games.

Because it's not a problem. When people complain about linearity in a game they're generally complaining about the delivery. People only complain about it when they notice it, and then it's indicative of a problem in presentation.

Not really, they were just thuggish. They didn't have the whole battle culture and tradition that Klingons did. The Hirojans were closer to being delta quadrant Klingon expys.

This was posted at 1:30am EST. In Buenos Aires (a favoured holiday destination of Gaben) that's 3:30am. 3 times 3 is 9 which when you divide it by three is 3! Kingdom Hearts 3 confirmed.

There's already been plenty of multi platform titles announced: Assassins Creed, Call of Duty, Battlefield, Destiny, Watch Dogs, Witcher 3, Kingdom Hearts 3, Metal Gear Solid V, Final Fantasy XV, and a half dozen more at least. My point was that if the trend towards multi platform releases that's been prevalent

Depends really, if it's below the knee you can retain a great deal of mobility with prosthetics. Above the knee though and you're pretty much stuck with crutches or a wheelchair.

True, but my point was people often blame the gaming industry. When really it's just another hard fact of the poor economy.

Well reports are that both consoles are selling out on their preorders, at least in the US anyway. Which means whoever wins at launch will almost be purely down to who can get the most units on shelves. With Xbone being reportedly behind in their manufacturing it looks like it'll be a win for the PS4. Globally the

Yes, the Fire Emblem example is a valid one. This though? Not so much.

Yeah, I find it funny though when people complain about how expensive things are getting when they should be complaining that they don't earn enough money. Gaming has actually stayed relatively stable in price and has even dropped off a bit over the years. I remember cartridge games costing more than new games now

It's not confirmed which will be released first. The Xbone only has a "November" release announced and Sony have said that the PS4 will be released before the end of this year. That means both consoles will launch during the holiday season, and the PS4 could very well release before the Xbox One. Either way the

Because it's not just about price, it's a combination of price AND games. Look at how badly the PS3 fared at launch. By and large that was mostly due to the 360 having a significantly lower price and a better (at the time, the PS3 has since beaten it out in this regard) games library. The Wii U is the cheapest but

That could just be because it's a reserved word within the game. It's likely that some restrictions have nothing to do with censorship.

Yup, and when she's used you up and spat you out you get sent to the island.

While it's fun for all ages, and indeed played by many adults Animal Crossing is still a game for kids. I don't see how it's an outdated mentality to try and keep things kid friendly. This kind of thing is hardly over the top puritanism. And frankly the game has a fair few progressive messages embedded in it.