
There are at least three names I can think of off the top of my head that Ellie could be short for (Elizabeth, Eleanor, and Ellen) not to mention that it may not actually be short for anything. Some people are just given shorthand names on their birth certificate. Not every Sue is a Susan and not every Ellie is an

Maybe she's just jealous that she wasn't involved. As good as Beyond may be it's not going to get as many GotYs as The Last of Us. I don't think there's enough of a resemblance to make a case for ripped off anyway.

I don't know which airlines you fly on but I've never experienced pushy attendants trying to sell me shit. Or the in-flight entertainment trying to advertise anything for that matter. I mean on the long-haul flights I've been on the booze has been complimentary and the (individual I might add) in-flight entertainment

I think what was more bothersome is that the policy didn't discriminate at all between devices. It's pretty crazy when they ask you to shut off your Kindle when it uses barely more power than your wristwatch. I don't remember ever being asked to stop my watch. Although as bothersome as it was, it was still only a

You get a combo for assuming everyone has the same extensions you do. And 8x for relying on someone having the same extensions at you instead of using the image embed function. You're really on an idiot roll today aren'tcha kid?

I doubt it'll sell as many units as the PS4, if only because Microsoft has less units to sell. By all accounts they're behind on manufacturing the Xbox One and retailers have only been allocated a limited number of units.

Ah, the old "I didn't read it". A classic sign of one who has been well and truly bested. And you get bonus fool points for not even knowing how to embed an image.

Sounds like suicide.

Oh okay, so it tells us when God ordered his people to wage war and destroy their enemies that led to harm. When God violently destroys Sodom and Gomorrah that led to harm. That when Lots daughters conceived children from him that led to harm... actually that last one didn't lead to harm. Except in those first two

No it's an insult, not to be confused with ad hominem.

Because it's not an error, at least not to other theological points of view. Still missing the point anyway. Violence in games is bad, but when God (or Gods chosen) commits genocide (multiple times I might add) in the Bible that gets a free pass? And let's not even get started on the sexual content, like the incest.

Way to miss the point. But then again I'm not surprised.

Saying people hate change doesn't throw their viewpoints out the window, I know there is a bit more to it than that.

No, he said:

Was I an ass? Yes I'd say so. But calling me out on it with a patronising attitude while playing the maturity card only makes you look like a childish hypocrite. If you want to be an ass back I'm fine with that, but don't pretend that's not what you're doing.

It's easy to hate because it's hard to relate with any of the characters because they're all so mind numbingly stupid. It's like none of them would let go of the idiot ball. Not even the plot would drop it!

Actually no, because a number of people with upgraded HDDs reported installing the update just fine. The issue appears to be isolated to those that installed a drive with a different cache size or RPM or something. So it's more than likely they do have PS3's with upgraded drives to test on, but no one thought to test

Does Sony actually hire precognitive programmers?

Remarks made out of ignorance though aren't necessarily remarks made out of malice.

Toriyama is the talentless hack that bears almost full responsibility for XIII I agree. But Kitase shares some of the blame for enabling him. And frankly pretty much all the good things Kitase did had the Gooch standing over his shoulder as producer. Without him I'm not sure Kitase is up to scratch.