And thus the problem prevalent with the 360 continues on to the Xbox One. So many Xbox "exclusives" end up on PC. Which means if you have a serviceable gaming PC there's a lot less reasons to invest in the console.
And thus the problem prevalent with the 360 continues on to the Xbox One. So many Xbox "exclusives" end up on PC. Which means if you have a serviceable gaming PC there's a lot less reasons to invest in the console.
Considering that localisation costs will be minimal (mainly menus) and distribution is digital (cuts out a whole swath of costs) and the fanbase will lap it up. It may not light the West on fire, but it's not going to be unprofitable for them.
Sweet! I suck at rhythm games but still!
My DS3's are still going 4 years on, and I doubt they'll crap out any time soon. If the batteries do crap out though I have two options:
Technically its only a boner light switch when the lights are on.
And yet you're rushing a decision anyway. Deciding now that you're going to skip this generation is just as rushed a decision as already deciding that you're going to buy a console at launch. Regardless of what decision you make it doesn't change the fact you're playing with less than a full deck.
You've basically done the Internet equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears and crying "LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" and you're saying he sounds like a child? Give me a break. Secondly while the "people can't accept change" is a terrible argument at the best of times it's ridiculous when applied to Final…
I've been calling it for months but I would almost guarantee its a PS4 launch title, year one at the very least. Estimate about a 90% chance of it being rebranded, fifty fifty on whether it's rebranded to XV though. 5% chance of an Xbone release.
Yes, but it may not be too late to save it.
No, as good as X was I think it's fair to say that's where it began. It's around the time the Gooch departed and that talentless hack Toriyama came on to the scene.
No one should be. Deciding to skip this generation before everything is laid out on the table at E3 is foolish and short sighted. I mean seriously, it's less than a week away. I can hold off on deciding anything until then. And provided there's no big screw up by Sony the PS4 should be a worthwhile next generation…
I'd say though that if you find a good deal or bundle just get that though. Price cuts are all well and good but you'll save just as much on a good deal. Unless you're prepared to wait for a post price cut deal.
Really depends what you're buying. My desk chair was hella expensive from Ikea, but it's the best desk chair I've ever sat in. And on the opposite side of the spectrum my glass display cabinet. It'll be hell moving it, but it's better looking than a lot of cabinets that cost a hell of a lot more. Glass furniture just…
Definitely flash media, they don't make hard drives that small any more. Well they're not cost effective at least. As for how easy it is to switch depends on how it's designed. If it's soldered in its probably a hassle though.
It was a rich culture. But it's been polluted for years now. And a different set of ideals? Like ripping everyone off? Creating nothing and stealing everything? Nonsense. China used to be a great nation but now it's just a corrupt land of thieves whose power is based off the exploitation of its people.
Original content costs more. The reason we have copyright in the first place is to protect the original creators profits. As much as people say copyright can harm creativity it also does a hell of a lot to protect it. In a perfect world we wouldn't need it as people wouldn't need to make a living and could create for…
Will only work in a post scarcity society, otherwise the death of copyright means the death of creativity as we know it. Sad but true. Just look at China.
In a post scarcity society where people can create because they want to and don't have to earn a living? Yeah we can probably do away with copyright then. Until then it's necessary if we want to preserve creativity and don't want to end up like China.
Not quite true. While copyright is by no means a perfect system (far from it in fact) that doesn't mean it's not without its advantages. While it can sometimes restrain creativity it does more to promote it. In a post scarcity society it wouldn't be needed, but we don't live in one of those. And because we don't…
Michael Jackson also works for that last one.