
You're the only one speaking nonsense. Microsoft likely can't do a 180 on its current position. Not immediately anyway, as they've almost certainly signed some deals involving the DRM. So no, there isn't nothing to stop Microsoft. Also you say "Sony removes it", but that suggests Sony has it in place already. And

It's not your prediction that was stupid, it was your rationalisation of it. Had you merely suggested that Sony might have bad news to deliver at E3 that wouldn't be a problem. What was the problem was your foolish assertion that if Sony did have positive things to say they would have said them by now. Despite the

Instead they are playing coy, like they have a bumb to drop and want it to explode as quietly as possible while people are yelling with pitchforks about M$.

There's plenty of reason, as many other people have said, do you not realise E3 is less than two weeks away? That is the single biggest reason there is and it's staring you right in the face. Why let the news slip now, when they can deliver it on stage with the gaming world watching? It'd be a huge blow to Microsoft,

If you've got so much time to sit back and watch you might spend some of that time actually using the brain you supposedly have. Sony has the potential to do a lot more damage to Microsoft by saving their positive news until E3 rather than just quietly letting it slip out. To say that they'd have said it by now if

If Sony really wanted to stick it to Microsoft, they'd reveal their console didn't have the same issues...and allowed used games to be bought, sold, and shared without the need for online-validation and user fees.

And is anyone actually surprised? Of course they're not going to give an answer now. They want all the big press at E3 so they can upstage Microsoft.

I'm not sure, I haven't got to eighty hours yet. But I've charged it once (when I bought it) and put forty odd hours into Monster Hunter so far and the battery indicator isn't even low.

Eh, it's not a great lineup. Bunch of characters I've never heard of and missing some obvious picks. I mean I know they're limited to what they can get the licenses for... but still Louise over Shana? Really?

They should release whatever battery they're using in the Wii U Pro controller. That thing is a monster.

Did you see anyone at the X1 reveal holding or utilising the console? Heck they didn't even use the controllers during the demonstrations. If the PS4 is just a whole lot of words then the X1 is just a whole lot of words in a plastic box. To go by your definition it's not "real" until it's available for sale. And to an

Honestly I almost never trade in games, and almost never buy used. Mostly because buying new often works out cheaper. Used games tend to be more expensive than buying online brand new. And the return on investment for trading in is so pathetic I'd rather keep the game.

And you lose more credibility for incorrectly identifying an ad hominem attack. If you make a statement that is objectively false there is only one of two explanations. You don't know the truth, and so you're ignorant or you do know the truth, and therefore you're lying. Either way it doesn't change the fact that your

It's incredibly pathetic that you accuse others of being sheep when you only acknowledge people that agree with you and dismiss or outright ignore everyone else. You're the biggest sheep here, you won't even consider anyone outside your flock. You're both sad and stupid.

It doesn't even come down to that. I'm calling him out not because of his opinion on the matter, but because he's sticking his fingers in his ears and simply refusing to listen to other points of view. He's accusing other people of being sheep and not thinking for themselves while he himself refuses to do the same.

Hm, I probably was a little curt. But I'm bothered by people accusing others of ignorance while demonstrating it themselves.

Were you watching the same console? They took a console that started as a joke and turned it into something worth owning. You say they made it worse with each iteration, but did you really think that the original six hundred dollar monstrosity was a good console? It became a worse PC sure, a worse PS2, but it became a

You know that you instantly lose any credibility you might have been afforded when you open with a statement that's either a lie or just plain ignorance. You can replace the HDD in all PS3 models with any standard off the shelf 2.5" drive using no more than a humble Phillips head screwdriver. So cut the crap. And

No no, what you have is much better. Where the majority of bystanders can't do anything anyway, because not everyone carries a gun all the time. Oh and the butcher is more likely to be armed with a gun than a knife. That's much better.

Sad thing is that if this had happened it'd just be Sandy Hook all over again. The issues of easy gun availability and mental health would be brushed aside in favour of blaming them violent vidjama games.