Psh, you think that's bad? Wait until Fox runs a story about the new Kinect. That's always watching your children, and listening in on your conversations.
Psh, you think that's bad? Wait until Fox runs a story about the new Kinect. That's always watching your children, and listening in on your conversations.
Not sure if it was quite as bad as the PS3 announcement. But it comes close. At least they focused on games with the PS3 reveal. Even if it was a six hundred dollar toaster oven. Still Sony bounced back, maybe Microsoft will too.
Oh wow, three games. One of them not even exclusive. Not really on par with what Sony showed at all.
And? What's your point? They were announcing the hardware for a GAMES console and spent most of the time focusing on what a media centre it is. Yknow when you're revealing the hardware for a games console maybe the focus should be on... oh I don't know, playing games?
Only if they were married, and even then only if she took his name after marrying. People can live in the same house, have a kid, and still not share the same last name y'know.
These are nice. But I'm still hoping they'll reprint more of 3.5. Still the fact they reprinted Core + Compendiums is something at least. Just wish I could get my hands on some more of the supplements like Tome of Battle and the Complete series. They should also reprint the Expanded Psionics Handbook. I already have…
Wow, early 360 games looked like ass. They've come a long way since then.
It's rather backwards really. They're trying to capitalise on the fact that "Hey, a lot of people use the Xbox as a media centre!". When really people use it as a media centre because they bought it to play games. They've just completely lost focus on what the bulk of their target audience actually cares about.
Look at your comment again, notice how you mention they showed the system and features. Notice how you say no gamer is ever satisfied. Do you think that might be because they barely showed any y'know GAMES. Last I checked those were important. Just a thought.
It's more the fact that they present this as if it's a requirement for it to function. When in reality it's an arbitrary restriction they're imposing on you. There's no good reason why you shouldn't be able to leave it disconnected for weeks and then jump into a single player game. The only reason you can't is because…
It's ridiculous, because it's only as "required" as they make it. Naturally some features aren't going to work without an internet connection. If you need data, you need data. But for a single player game there isn't any restriction on you playing that for weeks without internet, other than the completely arbitrary…
Having barely any compelling exclusives (that STAYED exclusive).
But to criticize them you have to draw an equivalence (not just similarities) between the two games. And for what few similarities they do share they're ultimately significantly different experiences. It's why I'm looking forward to the HD re-release of FFX, and couldn't care less about FFXIII-3. So again, crutch.
And yet this is just dodging the issue. You still haven't addressed why you need to justify your argument with FFX. If you can do it without, then do it. It's a crutch because you have to use it to validate your arguments about a completely different game. We're not going anywhere with this because you're not prepared…
When it comes down to it though owning a gaming PC is essentially like owning another console. It's a platform. And if I own both a PC and a Playstation, and a lot of games that are "Xbox exclusive" actually end up on PC as well it gives me precious little reason to buy one. As for having to upgrade frequently, and it…
Then why don't you? Why do you have to bring X into it at all? If it walks like a crutch, talks like a crutch, odds are it's a crutch. If you can, then do. Otherwise you're just making excuses.
That's still fuck all information, announced in the space of a single powerpoint slide. He literally said three to four sentences on the subject and then went back to talking about the TeeVee. No information on what the returning IPs will be, no information on what the new IPs are going to be like. No information…
Too blurry, I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be seeing. Either way considering the mixed reception of the second game, the fact the first games studio fell apart, that the second games studio confirmed they're not working on a sequel. It all points to the franchise being dead in the water.
They briefly mentioned that they were working on 15 games. No information on what those games would be, when they'd be out, or y'know anything at all. They just tossed the number out in a passing comment and moved right on to focusing on what a great media centre it'll apparently be. So yeah they've lost focus on the…
but don't just dismiss it because you don't agree with it.