
I would say this "shirt" is right, because this was in Richmond, CA.

Yes I am, sorry, I posted twice, but the first post didn't show up. I guess I forgot to put that part back in!

Anytime I have been in the hospital, I just borrow a nurse's sharpie and write big on both hands PNC. When I get older, and my health fails, I might have to do this.

Just paid 4.09 for 87 octane in Novato, CA, last week it was 3.79 at the same gas station

This guy is trolling. He has a bunch of videos like this, some are waaaaay funnier than this one.

Seriously, MW3 has the same requirements as MW1. The reviews Kotaku does for any hardware is horrible, but I do like how they do video game reviews.

How dare BMW charge 100k for an m5! 5.25i is the same car but 50k cheaper! People with money, enjoy spending money. Why buy a 250k watch, when the 5 dollar one tells the exact same time? Why would they buy a PC, that has no warranty, that has no software installed, when they can buy a PC that has everything they want

Yeah I was surprised no diablo 3 or CS:GO. Guess he doesn't think they are good games :/

You motor boating motha fuka!

*reads title of post*

Yeah I understand that they do not normally review laptops, but when I got my new laptop that came with optimus, and a couple games were playing really terrible, I searched google, and had my answer in less than 5 minutes. Yes it was a pain in the ass, but he wrote the whole review without even thinking something

So, you are telling me, someone who is reviewing a laptop, has never used hardware such as optimus, had no idea how to white list games?

Now playing

This might be a rap battle, but I know another teacher who is from New York, and is one of the best MC's on the planet.

I do not own either game, but I am a huge fan of ALMS. There are a ton of cars that they could have added, and everyone of them is bad ass. There are also many different classes in ALMS, with a ton of different cars yet these are the ones they choose.

I was referring to the fact they said "people closely associated with" and then turning that into factual evidence. Think how you will, but that is terrible reporting.

This guy I know told me that this thing happened. I swear its true.

Where I am from, BMW means "Basic Marin Wheels" Marin is a rich snobby area where parents buy their kids BMW's to drive at the age of 16.

This just makes me want to play half life 2 again. I haven't played this game in over 5 or so years, but I remember each part that he showed in the video.

They sorta do. If you use the paid version (monthly fee) you can speak in guild chat, people on your friends list, and check stuff on the auction house. I do believe you can also talk to people who you have their "real ID" so that you can talk to people in SC2.

"SW:TOR is just a WoW Clone in space!" Some have said, and now they are complaining "It didn't copy enough from other games! Why isn't X Y and Z feature in the game!"