@Ghede: This x2.
@Ghede: This x2.
@Cabamacadaf: Buy the alpha! There's tons more to do and multiplayer is coming within the next couple of weeks for it, at which the point the price will increase. It's worth it!
@Shinta: Don Caballero is frigging great.
@Vecha: Shit, now I want to be president just to do that.
@gomaki: Oh wow, that's awesome.
@subterfunk: I did that all the damn time. The one night where I DID risk going above 1 I was nearly caught...
That can't be the craziest request ever when I made the request of Nazi Dinosaur v Space Tank.
@Zing: My god, you're right. He's not a vandal, he's just misunderstood.
Though I feel for the artist's plight, seeing "SHIT ON MY FUCKING DICK" written in giant white lettering along a black wall made me laugh.
@Goldwings: I'm more disappointed that I thought it would be.
@Shocky: ...Sigh, I did too.
I've often thought about this kind of thing - not just the usual stuff like "Why don't my characters have any legs" but also "Where is my character's nose" and "Why is there blood IN my character's eyes."
@Kyonkochan: D:
@Sandarken: I'm interested. Step into my alley...
@TC-man: Luigi's got ghosts to handle.
@Chris Newby: Through your carpet? That's called mold. You should get rid of it.
@Behrditz: This made me laugh until my sides hurt. Bravo.
@data_enabler: I'll have to use that little star in the future.
@Jezuz: Holy fucking shit. If that happened to me I'd have a stroke.
@Gameslaya: Thanks for letting that thought enter my brain, mate. D: