@Pojodin: If you write "HITLER" 400 times it says you write like Kurt Vonnegut.
@Pojodin: If you write "HITLER" 400 times it says you write like Kurt Vonnegut.
@The MSJ: That thing is shit. Don't put any stock into what it says.
@Antonio Kristler: Maybe with a bit more stab.
@Billkwando: Oh lol.
@Billkwando: Oh fuck, I lol'd at the Barrowman thing. And the original one you posted. Malkovich should've gotten an instant-win.
13 and 18 are amazing. 3 gets points, too.
I'd love to send something in, because I've been playing My Player in MLB 2K10 and the Indians team I'm on have been in a lot of close games recently.
@Holmes: So,
@VincentGrey: Yeah man, those drug gangs, they push a lot of shit in the resort cities.
@laencythe: Given how dangerous certain parts of Mexico are right now, it's a perfectly in-line joking comment.
@legendnthemaking: You just made me realize I look like him.
@Nedy08: Because the gangs don't kill each other in resort cities?
@Holmes: The fact that you think Madden hasn't made any big changes in 8 years shows how little you actually know about it.
@—Core—: A new Twisted Metal game was announced at E3.
Sigh....new Twisted Metal....just another reason why I should've bought a PS3...
@zoompooky: Also, I'm sure more people play Halo. So more people playing a game with faster rounds would trump a game with a smaller playerbase and longer rounds (assuming they are longer rounds).
@Dr Durdon: Pokemans, Fire Emblem, Professor Layton
@Furysetzer: Be a jerk and get that $1200 NES off of eBay
@bkld18: Hardcore.