@Theodore Donald Kerabatsos: Don't feel bad. You wouldn't be the first guy to have his dick handled when George Michael was around.
@Theodore Donald Kerabatsos: Don't feel bad. You wouldn't be the first guy to have his dick handled when George Michael was around.
* Denied! - Yell it after the PR person you hired to promote you asks to be paid.
#20 Turns on include unibrows
I'm trying to think of another upset in any sport that was as widely and profoundly disappointing as North Korea winning this game would be, and I just can't.
The SEC remains unblemished.
AJ saw that email subject and thought Linda Cohn was looking for a booty call.
Did some poor guy ask Vince for his money back?
@wardsac: Go to English pub. Order Budweiser. Repeat.
With respect to our illustrious editor, this is without question the appropriate soundtrack for the day.
We'd say "shoots," you limey fucks. "Here's hopin' that England United shoots some totally awesome strikes..."
Now that is the look of a man who knows how to throw a punch.
Yawning is like my favorite thing in the world. It's so goddamn relaxing, and I love how it's contagious. If I see someone yawn, I yawn. If my dog yawns, I yawn. If I think about yawning I do it. I yawned while reading the part about yawning and again while typing this.
Mariotti was just out of the frame watching with his hands in his pockets.
La Parka is Spanish for... "The Parka."
@JobuNeedsARefill: Gotta speak in a language Brah understands.
@VTBen: Zat insult vas... cold!
I was driving to a party with a buddy of mine on Saturday when he jokingly asked me if I wanted to "Ice some bros." I didn't know what he meant, and upon explanation, there was no mistaking that any attempt to Ice me would be met with a regrettable case of testicular torsion.
@Fu Manchu Not Amused: After mustaches, figs, and Sean Salisbury, what's left to destroy?
Far before my time, but I've heard enough to know that this was an amazing person. And the record speaks for itself.
Looks like he's about to have pop-pop with Pop-pop.