
@D'arc Whitman: "First rule in government spending: why build one when you can have two at twice the price?"

@ttyymmnn: It was never really about "hearts and minds" in the first place, was it.

DisplayFusion is better than UltraMon by far. It's also cheaper, too.

@BinaryTB: Tomato doesn't say the E3000 is supported. In fact, I don't see any Linksys N routers listed. Is there some new beta version or something I don't know about?

Sure it's pretty, but for that price range the wood they use would have to be lighter, stiffer and better shock absorbing than carbon fiber.

@PrairieMoon: BTW, you still need the bottom half of the code from the article. Forgot to mention that and probably why it's not working.

@Alaska Jack: Some sites have their own built in search and for this you can set up a keyword, for example:

Use it to power a Traveling Wave Reactor (TWR). Bill Gates talks about it at TED.

I should clarify that you certainly don't look like a guy. More like Mouse could be your brother. It's a very weird top down angle of you in that fox hat and and there's a slight resemblance.

Now playing

IMO, James Doohan beats William Shatner in the awesome category.

I usually think, how fast do you need a browser to be, it's just an internet web page and I didn't think I would notice a difference in speed. Suffice to say, it's definitely a noticeable improvement in speed.

@FemShepard: Well said and I've been saying the same to everyone who compares this with Chernobyl. Not the same type of reactor, not the same situation, no exploding reactor.

@Scott Bartlett: Also, Chernobyl didn't have a containment vessel surrounding the reactor, which is why the explosion was able to burn and spread radioactive material across a large area as fallout and thus contaminating it for generations. Modern reactors, like in Fukushima all have containment vessels for the exact

People (and the media) need to stop making the association between Chernobyl and Fukushima, the situation is completely different between the two and a Chernobyl type event is highly unlikely. If you want to compare Fukushima to anything, compare it to Three Mile Island which is a closer comparison of what *might*

@espinha: No mushroom cloud, that requires nuclear fusion. It's a nuclear fission reactor, entirely different principles.