
@wingbatwu: Yes, if you have a high pressure bicycle pump and traveled to a planet with a predominantly CO2 atmosphere.

You DO realize that the amount of space debris created by blowing up a defunct satellite is insignificantly small compared to the amount of natural space debris floating around in space and the probability of collision between satellites and such created debris is infinitesimally small, right? This was silly rhetoric

Steve Jobs understands the potential of technology and will foster what promises growth and otherwise allow things to die. It reminds me of this quote:

You can take my Vibram Fivefingers if you can pry them from my cold damned toes!

It's believe that this is actually a hydrofoil.

@nixonlvr: Not if I'm a Kung-Fu master. Ninja detectors are ON!

@superknoppix2.0: My Linksys WRT54GL has been working fine for 8 years but I replaced it with a WRT610N as an upgrade though the first one was still running fine. My brother is running the same G router for just as long. I've never had problems with Linksys.

@Colin Sebern: My friend brought in his dead Linksys to a store for an over the counter exchange (this was much later than the store's exchange policy and is how Linksys supports defective units).

Why is Rosa asleep in both of her photos?

Does the Gizmondo scam remind anyone of anything?

I imagine someday I'll be sitting my porch and shaking my cane, "Those darned neighbourhood youngsters and their quantum neuro-processors are hacking into my virtual lawn again! Those hooligans! Why, back in my day, my portable computer weighed 30 pounds and it didn't even come with a perpetual power unit."

Old Spice Guy approves! SWANDIVE!

Forget phones. Stick this in the batteries for the Ford Fusion and Tesla Roadster and say goodbye to gasoline forever.

I wonder what Neil Armstrong and "Buzz" Aldrin think of this? I think it could be considered disrespectful of their real accomplishment.

Anyone remember those paper gunpowder caps that they used to sell by the roll (before parents started bubble-wrapping their kids) that you could scratch with your fingernail to cause a little pop and spark? Boy, those were fun. I singed quite a few fingernails with those as a kid (not to mention other stuff). A