  • Lancer and Mitsubishi as a whole deserves to die here in the US

They already do, in awd hatchback form, no less.

You wanted to see what Torch had to say...now you have to buy a Delica!

Can’t believe my question was picked. Thank you very much for all of the advice. This has made my decision process much easier!


Michael, you are spot on. The Japanese had this figured out a long time ago, with their gentleman’s agreement to cap their production vehicles at 300hp.

Any comments on the “correct” amount of horsepower is a Kilauea-erupting, fire flames hot take from someone who willingly drives a Yugo.

My sister and her girlfriend can, as of about an hour ago, be more accurately referred to as my sister and her fiancée! Barf on that, Trump and Haters!

The whole “Merry Christmas” debacle is a perfect illustration of how sociopolitical discourse has degenerated in the United States.

How is this even legal if they’re public roads and the drivers have valid licenses and up to date plates?

See you in court, Leonia. You can’t fix what your state broke in its poor traffic planning. And I chuckle about the emergency vehicles situation. I work at New York’s largest hospital, which has its Emergency Room loading area on a residential street. We have been trying to make that street restricted to city and

I agree but that also depends. Ive found good deals in sedans.

Who cares if wages have stagnated? Have you seen how long I can get a loan for now? I’m not sure what all the numbers mean but I do know my monthly payment looks great!



I know right, a whole cottage industry of used brown manual wagons exchange hands in back alley underground used car sales because of the members on this forum.

In before Trump blames Obama for down car sales.

Hey, I have a humanities degree, and I’d be qualified to have her job! But I love science, and I read about it whenever I can, and I’m a huge fan of the scientific method and of the proper application of statistics.

I stopped trusting MT’s “Car of the Year” award when they gave it to the PT Cruiser, but the fact that they had reliability problems with their Giulia tester and still gave it the title really put the nail in their credibility coffin IMO.

The NX is pretty good at what it is, that’s why.