Get the hell out of here with your well reasoned and clearly expressed post.
Get the hell out of here with your well reasoned and clearly expressed post.
Without evidence, we can’t really analyze much of this, but I think given everything if there wasn’t a solid case it was accidental the jury wouldn’t rule this way. I don’t think this country presumes an undocumented immigrant living on the street is innocent, even in liberal California. It seems more likely the…
Also this is like the third time you have called Monique outside of her name.
LOL Mnuchin isn’t leaving so long as his wife can pose and pout in front of sheets of freshly printed money with his name on them.
God damn I remember all those fucking Hummers. I got a Prius in 2005 and I remember there was an article in some dumb conservative magazine that was arguing that ACTUALLY Hummers were better for the environment than Priuses. His math basically assumed that a Hummer would be owned for 300,000 miles but Priuses would be…
Im so mad at the people on this site who defended him when the uso incident was reported. He shpuld have been forced put then. The dems have lost the moral high ground by not immediately disposing of Franken and Conyers like nbc did when the accusations against Lauer were about to drop.
This is the problem with ‘car enthusiasts’. They are 90% talk. For all of the people on this site who clamour about how they want a german, turbodiesel, AWD, 6spd manual, station wagon.. thats brown.. reality is these people are driving 10 year old used Hondas & Toyotas.. or whatever cheap car they can actually afford.
I thought it was down graded from a state visit to a working visit. The Queen is 91, she doesn’t need that shit. It would be fun to see Phil bitch slap 45 his last act before climbing in his coffin.
Make a ruckus all you guys want. You’ll wait for them to be 5+ years old, then think about buying one. That makes no financial sense for any auto manufacturer.
The car enthusiasts clamoring for manuals in family sedans are like the serial abusers saying “Baby, this time it’ll be different.” Making a ruckus isn’t enough, people need to actually buy the damn thing. And buy it new, not 10 years later after it’s depreciated to nothing.
Today, we got the official look and specs of the new 2018 Mazda6, which will come with a torquey turbocharged…
For the past few months, Alfa was offering the same lease deal, $299 with 3k down and has varied in term length from 24 to 36 months, obviously it’s a worse deal the shorter the term, but for that kind of lease money, I’d rather go with the gorgeous, if unreliable, eyetalian
Lots of big corporations have mandatory retirement ages for their executive ranks. If it’s good enough for their corporate masters, it should be good enough for congress.
I loved Roseanne so much that I think I blocked this next bit out for the most part: Roseanne Barr/Arnold/just Roseanne is a Trump supporter? Her continuum of wacky personal beliefs progressed to that awful crazy point, I believe.
For the record:
Ugh Geraldo is so gross, I’m sure he did this kind of shit daily. Someone should have bricked up Al Capone’s vault while he was still in it.
This car looks a little familiar:
I learn so much from Kinja I sweaterGod.
This report really makes the attitude of the anchors on the Today show seem really off. If this was such an ‘open secret’- which I totally believe it was, since that seems par for the course for these kind of guys - then NONE of them should have been as surprised or devastated as they appeared this morning. What a…