
“we like you. we have no taste, but we like you.”

but we want our unicorns now!

fyi, Garland is being condemned by anti-choice groups and the NRA.

some people make due with scooters here.

My lust for the F type has nothing to do with speed. Or value for money.

That engine produces 210 HP in the DS4.

um, Obama said that Reagan was transformational.

She did

at the very least, get an MBA where you want to work, location-wise.

if you hope to change out of finance by getting an MBA, I have a cautionary tale.

In NYC, go Geico or dont bother.


our trucks were very exposed. “Protection” is a bit relative, if a rhino/elephant had charged us, we would have been in deep trouble.

while on safari in South Africa in October, I went on a short walk with a ranger just outside of the lodge. Before we set out he gave me a guide of what to do if we encountered an animal, however it was extremely unlikely.

Humankind originated in Africa. She’s not wrong.

Bernie wants to model the US after Sweden, a neoliberal state.

is there any other kind?