
I forgot about Kung Fu Hustle, and I consider the scene with the blind harpists one of the most bad ass scenes in any kung fu movie.

The best one from The Raid was the last real fight scene where Rama and his brother fight Mad Dog.

The two cable thing is why I have some Techflex on order.

I recently converted to open headphones with my purchase of a Sennheier HD 558 pair of cans. The positional audio is amazing on them, plus being Sennheiser, they are high in sound quality. For speaking, I have a ModMic. It clings to a magnet you attach to your headphones, and acts as a headset when you want it to.

Perhaps *he* should have considered their monopoly on the PC gaming market when he made death threats?

Right Click -> Play To -> Xbox-SystemOS

Nike would be hard pressed to get 1/8 of the prices they did if BTTF never came out and they put these up for auction.

He's probably in the Navy or something.

Who else but the collector's market would want them? They're atrocious looking. The only reason people want them is because of the iconic status of BTTF. On their own they would just be an ugly shoe.

Fuck bacon? All right, I can see you don't want to be cheered up here, Dude. Come on Donny, let's go get us a lane.

Maybe that Nigerian Prince is finally coming through with his plan (for legal reasons or some such) to store his vast fortune in the bank accounts of random strangers. Good for him.

You misunderstand value. I refer to an episode of Arrested Development to explain it. Right now a 16oz bottle of water isn't worth more than about a buck to you (give or take). Stick you in a sweat lodge that you can't escape from, and suddenly you're willing to give me your entire bank account in exchange for that

Lists are lazy, learn to argue in paragraph form or GTFO. Really, each one could hsve just been their own paragraph with a few more words and some editing. I'll show you:

I didn't mean for it to devolve to an accusation at you specifically, it was meant to be more of the general "you". I can see why you'd think that, and I can only apologize since I can't edit it for clarity. In all honesty though, she's only making the case for women, when there are plenty of other ways the lack of

1. Does it matter? I'm white, which is an adjective usually preceding "male", but I have no problem when someones says "white" without the male.

Have you ever read the book, "If you give a mouse a cookie..." At what point do we draw the line? When do we have to start including transgenders, asexuals, and hermaphrodites (one of each skin color for each of these demographics please!) SIMPLY for the sake of diversity and pleasing everyone at the same time?

What? I didn't get that feeling at all.

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Indeed. The most recent release, Freddi Fish 3, is a game from 1998 that was ported to iOS in 2012. Nobody was asking for this game on Steam.