
The fact that he was even capable of giving those players a run for their money on the teams they were on vs the team he was on, says something about how much better (or at least as good) he was.

I ended up getting it anyway :).

I am also going to post similar about the price tag. I was all ready to purchase the game in its alpha state until I saw that $30 price tag. Is the final game going to cost more than $30?


I was referring to Dead Space 3 in my comment. I thought that would be obvious. Sorry.

I wonder if this game will actually let me see it now. I could play it but I couldn't see it. Just displayed a black screen.

I remember a day when "Unlock Everything for FREE" was a cheat code you entered before/during the game.

You got my vote.

Nobody is gonna take a losing bet man.

"My issue is not the rejection of community feedback (we get that in bucketloads all day long and we learn from it in real time)..."

Seriously. The used to at least get me to the point where they made all their money before I realized what I was reading. Now they only get me for a word or two.

Did they fix the type of issue where you are going for the triple crown, are carrying your team to the playoffs/series, and they trade you at the deadline? Likewise, did they fix the thing where you have a stellar season(s) and when you come to free agency that you get no offers because no team thinks they can afford


We didn't have it THAT bad. They cooked enough for everyone to have one serving. It wasn't anything great. Circle chicken, yellow chicken, or some other mystery meat. But it's all probably easier when there 250/300 people instead of 5,000. We even had a CS1 (they aren't mess specialists anymore, they are culinary

We heard the same stories you have about destroyers, but about carriers. I guess nobody got real food....

I was just thinking similar to this. Was on a Destroyer myself.

Should have modeled it so that he was facing backwards.

Why do that when people are already paying $60 just to play the multi? A product is worth what people are willing to pay, and they've already proven they are willing. If you think they will do it as a symbol of good will to the fan base, you forget that this is Activision. The founder of $60 PC games with no 30%

The review basically says that this is the evolution of the action game, and that others should look to this as a reference when making theirs. And you want it to tank? What if they called it "Survive" instead of "Tomb Raider" and the heroine was renamed Jessica Smith with everything else in-tact? Would it be OK

Holy crap! Really?!?