
Those pictures remind me of being in middle-school sex ed, and they show you weird pictures of anatomy that are excessively detailed, and you’re kind of aroused, but also confused and a bit frightened.

Damn onions.

Previously in this series:

It’s like a small scale Herkimer Battle Jitney.

Came out last night and I’ve already got 13 hours on the clock at least. The original SpinTires made #6 on my 2014 Game of the Year list.

Twelve yards long, two lanes wide, 65 tons of American pride! Chevy Tahoe! *whip crack* Chevy Tahoe!

Saw one last weekend and thought the same thing.

Buzz Killingtons

Here’s an idea; lowered safty regs for “ultra economy cars” cars you can buy brand new for under 9,000 dollars.

Someone’s going to start selling 10mm sockets in 50 packs and make a killing.

“But it’s literally just a couple bolts; we’ll be done in like, 10 minutes,”

— and this, is how you anger the Gods.