
He already gave them all up when he left them with his left leg in Afghanistan defending our freedom

They never took a doggie bag home and they never touched Golem Jesus’s meal.

Economy car has economy interior we’ll update this story as it develops

“Never loan anybody your pickup truck.” is a lesson that needs to be burned into the brains of anyone who buys a pickup. Just by it’s nature, anybody who wants to use your truck is not asking for it because they need to transport a cardboard box filled with lace dollies. They’re going to beat that thing like a rented

I cannot *NOT* say this character’s name in The Swedish Chef’s voice.

The reason manufacturers used to put wings on boring cars was because of a loophole, that allowed them to include the space under the wing as part of the car’s interior room.

Awwww, its like a horrible nightmare snow globe!

The hell they’re not.

If it wasn’t for #5 I wouldn’t be able to justify the purchase of that shiny tap and die set, now would I?

And with the right British car, you don’t even need to push a button!

This is why this art is dying.

Now playing

Since nobody has posted it (and i’m shocked by now), I guess I have to be the one.

What many people in the comments are probably thinking but won’t admit:

First thing I thought of.

Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.