
Fix it. I've never forgiven myself for getting rid of my 65 Galaxie that I had. You don't do it because it makes sense financially. You do it because you enjoy it and you get satisfaction of knowing the condition of every nut and bolt on your rust bucket. Do it because even when it leaves you stranded you can fix it

Aren't all Russians really stunt drivers at heart?

You know, there's some strange shit called landing and gravity..

I drove one of these for several years as a beater. They're tanks. RWD is not a problem in the snow if you know how to drive. And good tires help.

That wheels looks a little big, I'm pretty sure that would drive me nuts...........pause for laughter......

Brenthell truck, not Acer

He obviously doesn't consider it wasted money. And it's his money. And you probably drive a Corolla. And you're boring.

Because Racecar

Photoshop Contest; Who Can Fix Guy Fieri's Garage?

"They're not cookies, they're Newtons™"

Wow. I can't believe you guys forgot about WACKY RACES. Holy shit that was awesome camera work.

Did not know that. Leetil confession though, I have always liked the way that car is styled. From the front, the big friendly buck toothed face puts me in mind of early friendly looking cars. Like the incredibly goofy Healey Sprite.

Mike Ryan, anyone?

That's true. Also, many of them can't take a joke, either. :)

Where do I mail it?

Without looking any of them up...

1, 6. The Trouble with Trillions