
I’ve done the exact same thing at Great Lakes Dragaway here in Wisconsin with my daily ‘98 Chevrolet S10. 2.2L 4-banger with 2WD and at the time well over 150K on the odo (but a 5-speed manual, so I had that going), with almost the exact same results: 20.040@62MPH.

OK, “land-based vehicle”, whatever.

They’re not even all that interesting when they go off either. Just a slightly louder than normal “GAAAK” sound as the teeth strip out & the truck slows to a crawl. Wooo.

As someone who builds & races hobby-grade offroad R/C trucks...the only things I’ve been making lately that blow up are transmissions

NP if only to turn it back to stock and flip it to someone who appreciates it for what it is, so it can live the rest of its life with some dignity...

An XJ220 was one of the first model cars I built with my dad.

I’m not going to claim like it’s a big deal or anything, but earlier this year my Old Man and I did a like-for-like transmission swap in my 2.2L 2WD ‘98 Chevrolet S10. The synchro for 5th gear in the New Venture NV1500 had been whining for a few years (it didn’t sound terrible, and it wasn’t getting any worse) &

Pontiac Fiero. As a life-long car guy, I’ve always kinda wanted the real version of my first car; a plastic toy Fiero was the first car I was given as an infant, and at 29 years old I still have it today sitting proudly on top of my TV cable box.

It’s like a 4-door sedan got beaten with a Chevy Reaper stick...

“Indy...why does the floor move?”

The next thing my ‘98 S10 pickup’s getting will either be new shocks or a trip to the body shop to replace the rotted out rear cab corners.

Now playing

Short track racing has to end up on this list somewhere. You’ve got the whole racetrack & every car on it right there in front of you

One of the iRacing staffers posted in the member’s forum news about them buying a new piece of scanning equipment not too long ago, forget what they said they paid for it...pretty sure it was well under $10K

But it’s Codemasters, so now that they’ve patched it once everyone will have to wait for F1 2016

Interlagos turned out to be something of a logistical mess for iRacing when they went to acquire it. All the legal licensing & paperwork was done and in order, “just fly on down and do your thing”. But when they did, Brazilian customs wouldn’t allow the laser scanning rig through. Why, who knows...the iRacing track

If you’re reading this and grew up around local racing in the midwest, you’ve seen Billy Hoffman’s work.

Looks like the truck my old boss bought. He was super-happy with the thing; I figured it’d be like buying an ex-cop Caprice with an engine that’d been idled to death, but no, mechanically it was in fantastic shape and the motor ran like a top. “The Army keeps their shit together”, he said.

Aaahhh, ya beat me to it...

I’ve been racking my rum-soaked brain a bit here trying to think of a way to explain the correlation between why I thought Nemo’s “Automobile” (I love the way he stresses that word in the movie) was cool & why my favorite Batmobile was the one from the ‘90s animated series...something-something art deco & whatnot...

You and me both. It had top speed...and that was about it.