
I guess we’re about to find out with my daily ‘98 Chevy S10 2.2L pickup. I’ve pretty much convinced myself I’ll be this truck’s last owner, and I am currently putting exactly zero thought whatsoever into what would be “my next car”. God willing I’ll never have a “next car”.

Here we go, on Mike Wilson's FB page:

There was additional footage floating around my Facebook feed of an onboard looking over the rear of the CL1. Looked like a little bit of wheelspin at just the wrong time gave it a left flick as it crested the jump, and once that happened everyone was a passenger.

I think now we all need to sing the "Happy Happy Joy Joy" song.

What exactly are we considering "old"? My '98 S10 pickup's a toddler compared to a lot of the replies I'm seeing, but it's no spring chicken either. I admit it's also far from the most interesting vehicle on the road, but it's in good mechanical order, straight, and by Wisconsin standards the body is mostly rust-free

As a repeat annual subscriber I can safely vouch for the V8 SuperView online streaming service, worth every penny if you're an American V8SC fan.

Same here in Wisconsin. Great Lakes Dragaway in Union Grove costs all of $30 to line up just about anything for their open track night. Safety inspection consists of making sure you're wearing jeans, shoes, and a shirt, a quick look under your vehicle to make sure nothing's about to fall off, and anything capable of a

I'm not claiming to be an expert in classic Beetles, very very far from one in fact especially with the Beetles owned by Jalop staff, but what I do know about them is that swapping an engine in one is on par with swapping engines from a lawnmower...linkage and 4 fairly accessible bolts if memory serves.

SPiNTiRES, anyone?

I'm a 3D CAD tech specifically, and I look at those circuits and just the thought of applying and managing all the parallel, perpendicular, and concentric constraints gives me a migraine.

I have a vague (and probably somewhat incorrect) understanding of how to get one moving, and no idea how to get one to stop or what to do to keep the engine running in, say, a spin.

Brinn 2-speed transmission for short track stockcars

I AM a mechanical engineer and my brain pretty much does the same thing.

He's no Rob MacCachren though...

My Dad and I are waiting for the day that the gate drops and half the field just falls over because they're still watching her walk off the track

Do they still use the GPS course waypoint trackers, or have those been dropped?

"Damn kids with their fast cars and loud rap music..."

They have a wonderfully "Hot Wheels" obscenity to them, don't they?

Introduces too many variables. Better to concentrate their effort on one engine than juggle two or three.

I love watching pro drag race crews work. Between the almost militaristic call of duty routines for each crew member & all the specialized tool trays & part caddys that're designed to hang off the chassis & rollcage...