As an engineer, I agree completely. Powersliding through a corner is one thing. Sitting still burning rubber is cool for about 1 second, and then boring and useless after that.
As an engineer, I agree completely. Powersliding through a corner is one thing. Sitting still burning rubber is cool for about 1 second, and then boring and useless after that.
I heard "four-teeay hours". Add an "n" in the middle and it's definitely "14". Add a "t" at the end and it's definitely "48". This one could go either way.
It's been a long time since I watched Con Air. I'm just speaking from experience. I trained in Karate for a number of years and stopped short of getting my Black Belt. Back in those days, the people I trained with used to talk about what changes when you get the belt.
Where I live, being a fully trained Black Belt in a martial art means that your fists become lethal weapons. If you attack someone, you can be charged with Assault with a Deadly Weapon. To me, any soldier who is trained in combat should have the same conditions applied. If you're a Marine and you beat someone up,…
Nitrous Oxide adds Oxygen into the cylinder to help the burn. The same principal should apply to Diesel as well, even though Diesel fuel explodes under pressure instead of burning.
it's all good. There's a thin metal guard rail between them and the cars to protect them from harm...
Yeah, he couldn't believe that they would commit a crime in his car... because he doesn't do that all the time...
I don't get the appeal of bench seats. Sure, while growing up my parents had a few cars with them, and sure, there was what felt like a full sized front seat in some of them (I was smaller then), but when I bought my '98 Ranger 2 years back, it came with a vinyl bench seat and it was the most uncomfortable thing in…
Fantastic reference to I-76. I always think about that line whenever I play some GTA style game and the guy I'm chasing gets out to shoot at me. I'm always thinking "You had a much better chance if you stayed in the car. Never get out of the car."
I too had no idea what he was talking about. ABP stopsign for the win.
Awesome story. It gets even funnier if you read it in Max Payne's film noire style voice and use Mona Sax' voice for Beatrix.
for me, when I click "back", I end up on the previous article, not back to the beginning of the comments for the article I just read. I then have to open up the article I was reading comments for again, and then try to find my place.
As much as he said "we're going the same speed in the short corners", he also said "I had to let off [so I didn't run into you]". The whole point of this test was to show that they were going the same speed, but when the handling car is getting blocked by the show-off car, you're not proving anything. Do the same…
I tried clicking the " replies to this article" link when there were 9 replies and all it did was show me the same panel with the first 3. Mine was reply #9 or so and I couldn't do anything to the page that would let me see it.
I honestly can't even figure out what I'm looking at with this new Kinja? Are vertical columns conversations? Or is it simply a combination of independent comments combined on the page?
I feel like the Saab "Long Run" should have started at midnight on the 12th of August. Maybe using a huge mass of luminous gas being ejected from Mars as the starting signal?
And happens to be one of the most English speaking cities in Quebec. Plus, since this was a Canadian racing event, and Montreal is about 1 hour away from Ontario, you can bet that many English folk came out to see the race as well.
Edd China's "Casual Loafer" - 87 mph street legal sofa
I did it with a buddy 2 winters ago. Unfortunately it snowed between when we plowed the ice and when we drove on it, but you get the idea
There's a sign on a local self storage place near me that has a few of these: