Exactly the same...?
Exactly the same...?
Same goes for the old 1.9L SOHC Saturn engines as well. It was mounted on the back of the block in the 5" space between the block and the firewall. the only way to reach it is to come up from the bottom with both arms blocking your view while someone hovering over the engine shines lights down and guides your hands.
That car makes all of the pictures look like GTA screenshots, more specifically, GTA3/Vice City/San Andreas
Just because it's full of hot air doesn't mean it's "wind"
I guess that's why Chevy Runs Deep...
"in hospital" was written (assumed to be British) versus the more American "in a hospital"
Yeah, I don't bother letting mine warm up. When I leave work, I wait to turn left out of my parking lot, then immediately sit at a red light waiting to turn left on to the main road. I figure those two are enough time to get the truck a little warm.
I believe the "correct" term is "Honey Wagon"
I'd still rather play Flatout 2 or the Flatout : Ultimate Carnage "refresh" of Flatout 2. It may be from 2008, and I may have played it end to end 4 or 5 times now, but it's still the most fun I've ever had in a racing game.
New song? Qataris in Ferraris?
"Glued, glued. glued. That's glued. The volume is glued. The input is glued. Let's just glue the whole thing."
Just look at how stable it is under braking!
Reading this article really opened my eyes. My first PC as a kid was a 286 and even though I had a decent amount of games on it, my favourites were Jill of the Jungle, Zone 66, Solar Winds, Jazz Jackrabbit, and Commander Keen. To think that all but 1 of those can be attributed to a single guy or at least a single…
That has to be the ugliest wing possible on a car. The lower "stock" wing is terrible enough, but to add 2 more feet to it is just insane.
"panda snactuary"
Same here...
"good tea" I think is a little incorrect there. It's a 23 oz can of sugar water with a little tea thrown in for flavour.
@James K Polk, Napoleon of the Stump
Great minds think alike :)
My dad owns a '65 Corvette, and way back when, also owned an '82 Oldsmobile Delta 88. The door keys were different, but the ignition keys were interchangeable. What were the chances of that?