
@Scandinavian Flick doesn't need snow to oppo: That's a good rule. I have used that one in the past when working in the summer months. In the spring and fall, usually drinking beer slowly works well. Also, the beer doesn't warm up as fast so you can take more time to enjoy it.

@acarr260: For sure. You can have a beer or two during your project so long as you don't get drunk. Drunk + working on car/engine will only lead to disaster.

@frogberg: Because as much as I would love to have a car that gets 50+ mpg again, I'm not willing to dish out $30k + for a car that will get it.

@Chairman Kaga: Whoa, I totally need to rethink my career choice. How much do these chimps make?

Shouldn't this be under "Beige Bites Back?"

@Jagvar: Or maybe a Veyron SS? Pretty sure that one has the top price tag

@grzydj: Are you serious? I'm pretty sure this car will handle snow as deep as 1cm as well...

@Matt Hardigree: I'm still trying to figure out why monitors keep getting wider but webpages keep staying narrow.

@Justin Hyde: You do need to consider the fact that just because a caller was moving across cell towers doesn't mean that they were driving. The could have been a passenger, or even on a bus or a train.

@wildnotmild: I work with a Romanian guy and we joke and call him a gypsie. He's 35 and only came over to Canada about 6 years ago. He gets a good chuckle when we call him one. I think it's a general rule that if you're Romanian and you're not a gypsie, nor are you not related to one, then you dislike gypsies.

@LoganSix: Yeah. Mythbusters proved that adding Golf Ball dimples to their car actually improved its fuel economy