
@Xander Crews: Sometimes 8 drive wheels are better than 4. Wait...what?

@tjanson: Too bad these Scandinavian promo flicks don't promote the Scandinavian flick

@rj-pilot: +1 for doing that in MS paint and color matching using the eye-dropper tool. This man will play you a tune for your win

@ttyymmnn: Not often you see pilots ejecting from their planes once they are already on the ground...

@Spieg Fisto: I would promote this if I had the power to.

@ranwhenparked: You do realize that Toyota gets more media coverage and advertising on this site than any other car manufacturer. Yes, most of that publicity is bad, but it is still publicity

@RX-Elise: And wasn't all that PRE-1998?

@Linoth001: Thanks for the info. R32 seems more like lower state NY than it does Upper.

And then Jacques was doomed to never win anything ever again. He quickly became an average to poor competitor while becoming the highest paid driver in F1. And after a few terrible seasons, Jacques was unable to secure a driver's seat and now lends his name to an overpriced driving school in Canada.

@XIGODMODEIX: I had forgotten about this one. This is one of the best drift videos I have ever seen. The guy holds the drift so perfectly for so long. Quality stuff

Now playing

Top Gear already proved that it can be done:

Orange Pearl-effect Aracio Argos my ass. I want Rape Yellow

@AMGkiller: Especially anyone with a "VDubbin'" sticker on their car.

@Cabamacadaf: You're speaking my language. I loved that game. I loved all the crazy cars that people came up with that you could put into the game.

I went to read the article to find out Steve's motives for the donation, or to find out what the school plans on doing with the car, etc. But the entire article was 3 sentences.

I've always thought Porsches were ugly, and this one sure is an "oinker"

Anyone know where in Upstate New York this is? Might be worth a road trip if it's open to the public