@dieselkopf: It was a joke obviously. I've turned over a GM 305 V8 and it required a long breaker bar. I can only imagine what kind of torque is required to get an Aston Martin V12 moving.
@dieselkopf: It was a joke obviously. I've turned over a GM 305 V8 and it required a long breaker bar. I can only imagine what kind of torque is required to get an Aston Martin V12 moving.
What? No kick start? Boooo
Dear Heikki,
@Alfisted: I wouldn't call French a dying language. I also wouldn't call the language spoken in Quebec French. That would be an insult to people in France.
@Straight6er: 2 fries short of a happy meal?
Are those the special tires for creating colored smoke from burnouts? That tire smoke looked very yellow to me. Maybe it was just the filter on the lens
@Tossed Pissed Mazda3hatch sideways: And the only way to produce the correct tone of yellow is to crush the seeds with bare feet at a certain elevation within the arctic circle. Of course, getting there requires a 6 month pilgrimage as well, so the extra cost is understandable
@G-Ram: When I saw that guy I immediately thought of Tyrone Biggams too!
@Tossed Pissed Mazda3hatch sideways: In Audi's defense, changing the color of the car was actually only about $4000, however, if you chose yellow, and only yellow, then the price was an extra $46,000. It was actually an article on Jalopnik a while back
How many years now has Frank Biela been driving for Audi? That's dedication to a team!
@Tossed Pissed Mazda3hatch sideways: Don't all Audi paint changes double the price of the car?
Toyota Sienna SE
Looks like you don't get very much car for the money...
I once found the same scam but for a different car. This person was selling a mint condition '69 Mustang Fastback for $5200 on my local Kijiji (in Canada). I e-mailed the seller about this amazing deal of a car and someone claiming to be a woman with a recently deceased husband was trying to sell the car. …
@Jakooboo- Censored for the Public: Those look a lot like the Michelin Tweel. Then again, that high performance tread wouldn't do much good on Moon dirt
What a fantastic sounding engine :)
@v8corvairpickup: As a massive fan of Carmageddon 2 (and 1 and TDR 2000) I can definitely say that the game didn't really have great physics. The gravity was about 50% or less of earth norm, especially when traveling at any sort of speed, the amount of traction from the tires is about 50% or less from real life, and…
@snap_understeer_ftw: It's not the original HANS, it's a Karting hybrid. Basically the idea is to keep the helmet attached to the brace so it can't move around too much.
@snap_understeer_ftw: I've been around this sport a long time and I've flipped karts and landed on my head a few times. I have always had a neck brace on and have never suffered a neck injury.