
I've watched this a few times and I can't tell if the back of the car swung left or if the front of the car pitched right. I don't know which way the crosswinds were blowing but the parachute didn't appear to be getting blown sideways.

Does this count under the "What's Your Favorite Non-European/American/Japanese Sports Car?" segment?

Why did this guy never say "Why the {expletive} are we in the tornado?!?!"

@xyleksoll: I meant the new one, but you are absolutely right

@Jagvar: Uh... those rear lights look an awful lot like a Dodge charger...front

@$kaycog: Actually, this car has Wilson's disease. One of the easiest to recognize symptoms is a "gold ring" around the pupil as seen here.

@Gïmmï Mørgäikköŋëŋ: There aren't exactly any Lambo Dealers in Eastern Canada. The places that sell exotic cars are usually "Luxury Import Sales" or whatever. These places are usually just sales offices who deliver your car on a flatbed.

This story begs the question:

@horspowr1001 - If somebody says shenangans one more time....:

@luisthebeast: Uhh, what about the hand/parking brake? It should hold you close enough to still to keep the front wheels spinning

@JonZeke: How could you be ashamed of a Ranger?

Seated heats. Classic

@JonZeke: I didn't know about the other waves. I was thinking about starting a Ranger wave, but ranger drivers never seem to make eye contact

@solracer: I once watched a Top Gear Russia episode where they sent an Audi R8 out on their test track to set a lap on their power board. The track was completely covered in snow and had a bit of a snowbank that the car had to drive over. Needless to say, it didn't place all that well. As soon as I saw that, I knew

@wkiernan: You are absolutely correct. "Proper" racing dictates that any excessive wheel spin is wasted energy. In karting, a racing slick tire is most efficient at between 0%-5% slip. This means that the engine is putting enough force down to overpower the wheels just enough to allow a bit of sideways slide in the

The whole time I was reading the article I just kept thinking, "What makes you think that you deserved to get a wave from this guy?"

The RIAA didn't take your Mustang. You bought a car that you couldn't afford to fix or drive, and then got caught with your hand in the MP3 jar. When Mr. Law Man came to see you about your fine, you had to sell your car.