Voltron Force

the fact that this is currently #1 on Bandcamp rules

“You know you can’t do that. Working off the clock is a violation of the rules and you can’t do it. This is your final warning, if you do it again I’ll have to fire you.”

I really think the PSX generation of games where really the peak for a lot of things as developers were really trying their best to get into 32-bit gaming. It was a very rad and experimental time that you really do not see anymore from the main studios because they have, for the most part, figured our what sells and

If you come from a country with no “black/white conflict”, then maybe, just maybe, you’re not an authority on what is or isn’t racist towards black people.

LJ gives old man towel: “See, that’s a good boy. He knows his place.”
LJ throws towel on floor: “See they don’t know their place. Ungrateful.”
LJ stuffs towel into bottle of Everclear, lights it and throws it: “Aaaaa-aaagh!”

Focus groups also liked the Pontiac Aztek...which should tell you something about the wisdom of focus groups.

What if I get pissed off about unlicensed stickers of Calvin praying/pissing?

No. I mean why are you here throwing out a bunch of “What if” bullshit and poisoning the well. What if he was driving drunk? What if he was about to run over some kids and puppies? What if he was wearing a Gundam suit the had “Fuck the Police” painted on it? Stop justifying state sanctioned murders.

No, motherfucker, it is not. If you shoot the driver of a moving vehicle and hit them you endanger more people with an out of control car. The best thing to do is to get out of the way; you can always find the person later.

My feelings exactly. Except, now, I feel doubly f’ed with because I’m thinking, who on this pale earth has been swooping that award up for the past however many years ? I hate how whiteness finds little ways to come in and mess you over when your just minding your own business.

Dave Chappelle did a whole episode featuring this muthafucks predilictions and he is still walking around with Teflon draw(er)s on. I’m not famous but I always make sure to include “I saw the tape. That was a child. He pissed on her. He should not be breathing” in every conversation about R. Kelly for the past decade

Looks like half of an Amish beard. It goes nicely with his Stormfront bowl cut.

Yeah but if he turned the phone sideways, it would look too much like a gun* - and we all know how that ends.


I wonder what in his culture could make having a black name like Daryl a problem? Let us contemplate...

Blizzard should just scrap OWL at this point tbh. Literally every week we find out another player is a garbage human being, clearly there is either something wrong with their screening process or something wrong with the general population of OW players.

Yet more confirmation that cursive is a dying art form.

My dude, it’s a comic book character.

You know what’s awesome AF? Jumping Rope! Gets your heart rate up, and you can get stronger legs and core pretty quickly, also while increasing stamina. And I guarantee it’ll get you pumped up and dialed in for competition.