Voltron Force

Claude is THE reason I play GTAIII over and over. I've even replicated Claude as close as possible in Max Payne 3 multiplayer.

He speaks some truth Stephen. If you wish to hold on to the physical media, a basement is the LAST place you want to put them. Either sell them or store them better. If you keep them in a basement, you will regret it. You're holding on to them for a reason. 10 years from now you'll cry after have gone down to the

Fuckin gross. Awesome!

Dope. Straight up dope.

Ha! I play no mic so everyone in the living room can hear how angry people get. It's very entertaining towards the end of a rough week.

The only man who can save us! HAAAAAAAAANK!

Bro, chill. It's the Internet.

A derpy one at that.

I just walked into my garage, sorted through old console equipment and smashed the above controller. Old Mad Catz controllers was utter shit. The fight sticks they make are pretty good quality though.

Sak pase?

Take your shit back.

Hell yeah, best 3rd part controllers ever. Still have my PS2 pair.

Yeah man, that fucking controller is what made me put away the Saturn and give Sony a chance. I do not regret switching over.

Have you played Midnight Club LA? That's pretty much what you're asking for.

I'll check em out. I'm always hunting new music.

Explosive Diarrhea Black TNTs?

I stck to preordering from the dev/publisher themselves.

Or a bank account, where that 60 will earn you .63 cents...

Remember Halo3 collectors editions? You could find the Cat Helmet edition cheaper than the normal edition about 4 months after launch.

I have a balance for two years now. I am able to use Live. Cards are the way.