Voltron Force

@AlphaJarmel: Find a chick who enjoys trashtalk. I'm quiet, and allow my video game skills to make people feel shitty. My girl...she comes along who is crazy quiet offline but give her internet anonymity and she's the archetype of trashtalkers. If she just want's to sit around and watch me play, I hand her the

Oh hell yes! Showing this to my harem of Swedish bikini models as soon as I get back from barehanded Kodiak hunting.

@B1G TOBACC0: You speak truth. Celebrities, and their unwilling followers thrive off of media exposure. Ignore 'em and they vanish like vapor trails.

@arcticfox012: No. Now return to the arctic from whence you came!


@JoeDeadman: *goes to play TS2 for 6 hrs straight with roommates*

I remember when I thought that style was cool. Then IMAGE was created...

Do *SPOILER* warnings even work anymore?

@CubeRat: get a Craigs List copy.

that was kinda fast.

@SurakshaNewt: My girl is shit ugly. This Samus broad is delicious!

@t0ddd: lol. I bet you feel reaaaaaaal good about yourself. Exposing that poor man like that. SHAME ON YOU!

@strikeforce sexy: Ah, I too wonder the things an asphyxiophiliac astronaut would say to himself.

@DarkC: This man gets pussy. She bends over, she is expecting you to tap it. NO EXCUSES.

@Piccoroz: I'll hunt down FFIV right now. Kefka sounds like my kind of villain. Thanks!

@umaxyome: I guess that a modern take on PoP would be as dope as the pictured album?

@Nikolaidas: Ultra-mega, Super-duper Butt Pirates... of the Indomitable sort.