Voltron Force

Vagrant Story. Probably a bit of Scott Pilgrim when i need to punch things.

D-pad fixed?


@Cooking Utensil: Like Heaven drizzled in honey, bathed in warm milk.

Whaaaa? It's becoming a problem. Give aspiring VA a chance Mr. North. Jeeze, I now know this dude by the sound of his voice...


@xilefian: Boderlands sounds doper and Borderlands.

@Save me: Your avatar suggest other activities besides HALO playing.

@SkyMasterson: Ok, I'm gonna hit up a gayclub and tell some gay dude he's got gayface and we'll see how many of them shank me. If anything they would hug me, and I would be down with that.

@Ryan_Long: I love everything Twilight related, my girl... not so much. So i dumped the whore and hooked up with her brother. That'll show her!

@oldage: WHAT THE FUCK!

@oldage: *dies...with a huge smile*

I'm gonna go out on limb and guess that anything Double Fine makes will appeal to old-school sensibilities. They just know how to make a great game.

@Snufaluffugus: You hated Short Circuit? You have NO SOUL!

@AllOfUsAreLost.: ooh shit. Grimlock Prime? Grimlimus Prime? King Grimlock? Locktimus Prime?

@Jextoid: How many nukes have you disarmed with only your teeth while in the upper atmosphere?