Voltron Force

The Maiming of Delroy Thundercuff.

I will name my first born son Delroy Thundercuffs.

@hazelnut: god damn... its been a while since i played Contra... shame on me.

oh gawd... wait til the movie posters start releasing, my house is gonna look sooooo damn tacky. I hope my fiance really loves me!

The sprites with cycloptic helmets and spikes on their shoulders, what game are they from? They strike me as really familiar.

"you can fire your gone and walk in the Gameloft title"

@rabbibert: OK. I have to watch every episode of The Office again.

that woman scream at :30, what is that stock from? I've heard that on everything from Wu-Tang albums to cartoons and parn.

@ArmyofJuan: Red Lion Obama Approves of this comment.

@Grimm: Ha! You should get your own Late Night show. I'll keep Jay "Hero Chin" Leno away from you.

@joncoffee: I do produce some charming looking offspring, don't I?

@jayntampa: Thank you! You win the swell dude awa...wait... you're talking about the little kid. No award for you!

@rabbibert: That design was to reduce chafing.

@DataShade: Lord help the one teabagger who decides to taunt a foe who is playing possum...

@henryJSB: Spoken like a true heroin addict.

@pitseleh0: "The most fun part is when people don't know what to do because nobody fights like me." HAHAHA! I love doing this. GTA4 online is priceless when everyone is going full automatic machine guns and i jump in with a knife and take down 2 guys before I meet my end.

honey i swear! shes not mine!!!!!