Bless this bear and his bat.
@Jouen: Same here. damn the bastard who opened mine eyes!
@Arnold Rimmer's Garden Strimmer: Is red Dead Revolver backwards compatible on the 360? I may fire it up for a full playthrough before Redemption is released.
@AtomicSnowCone: and mine as well!
@L3G10N: buying Austrailia would probably be the easiest.
@icarus212001: ditto
@destructorv2: BWAHAHA!
@I_Like_TDs: I welcome Valhalla with open arms.
@RiotControl: Also, "possibly also spread gonorrhea, etc."
@Zecomm: possibly also spread gonorrhea, etc.
possibly also spread gonorrhea, etc.
@Alex_Mexico: Another case of "size doesn't matter". It's ok, they sell creams for that.
@Blastarr: HA HA HA! No silly. M rating stands for Most Awesome Value For Your Money.
@Malloc: I AM TERRIFY!
@drakanwolf: I fully support increased ass-whoopins.
@TheOmnitron: You speak truth. I was pushing close to 300 lbs. The day i woke up with unbearable back pain and breathing like Biggie Smalls, i knew i, and ONLY i needed to get my health under a stricter regimen. It worked. 9 months later and 45 lbs later I feel brand new. Best way to implement some activity is wake up…
@Friedhamster: *manly hugs* Isn't it awesome when dreams come true?!!?
@Kevin Lee: Did you ring?