
Ugh, grape culture. Amirite?

*Ahem*. A female Don Draper is called a Peggy Olson.


I'm actually kind of encouraged by this—it means more kids are getting diagnosed . I have depression/anxiety, and I am CERTAIN it started when I was around 7 or 8, but who would screen a kid for depression in the early 90s? I could've been getting treated instead of suffering for years.

If a guy did this to me, I would punch him in the dick so hard that it would cause the good folks at Oscar Meyer Weiners to go into bankruptcy.

Almost 2 YEARS?! How is it possible?! She has totally lost her entire youth.

Oh come on, it's not like I'm an ingenious or something.

That would be a doctorette? See this is why education is so important.

River City are okay actually! I'm just not over QF way a whole lot. It's just enough of a pain in the butt to get from Townsite to Ecossentials on the bus that I can't quite be arsed walking over there too. Likewise I love Nancy's, but the bus only goes out to Lund twice a week (worth it for the Boardwalk in summer

I was at Target yesterday and they had put a bunch of different tasty wines on clearance that'd I'd wanted to try anyway, plus they have the Buy 6 (or more) and Get 10% Off deal, so I bought 10 bottles. Thought nothing of it until I got to check out and the lady says, "Wow! This is A LOT of wine. You must be having a

oh jezzie.

Let us know if you need us to call 911 to get rid of that person who is forcing you to read it.

Will do! Dissent (even the most respectfully-worded kind) gets deleted all the time on Jezebel. I don't know if it's official internal policy but it's definitely a thin-skinned way of operating, on the part of editors and staff (moderators are not involved, it should be stressed).

I do not understand why Jezebel so often links to stories from the Daily Mail—one of the most vicious, objectifying, and often inaccurate newspapers in the world.

I humbly submit my personal blog, Disclaim and Deny, where I have recently started a series of posts I call "It's the OKC Party!" Screen grabs and comments from OKCupid. Please enjoy.

one of the benefits of proper twerking technique.

The bottom left image is why I have grocery bags with handles long enough to go on my shoulders. I have to open three doors to get into my apartment (exterior, elevator, and apartment) and I have no desire to struggle with all of them.

someday, you will ache like I ache.

I don't disagree. But he's the one making grand declarations about refusing to do part of the job that allows him to live his life and do his good works and meet Angelina Jolie in the first place. Maybe he is afraid of doing to Angelina Jolie what he did to Jennifer Aniston.

Yeah, but you still have to answer for Anne Murray.

(Note: I can't actually speak to Anne Murray's level of feminism, but my mother had a giant Anne Murray box set that, along with Paul Anka and the Righteous Brothers, set the soundtrack for my childhood. "Snowbird" gives me shuddering flashbacks).