
Haha. Well, they're certainly taking liberties with regards to what is alive when, yes.

So it's a Creationism simulator?

Northern Virginia near DC. Verizon Fios optical broadband, 75 Mbps.

Just one word: Roku. So who needs 'em? We'll have net neutrality forever, right... ?

Can we please not make this a thing.

I'd rather die.

Kefka's a boring villain.

the Final Fantasy franchise has a mix of magic and technology, also science fiction is a type of fantasy. also I liked Spirits Within as well.

Smashed Brothers...
I like your style!

This HAS to be trolling. Just HAS to be...

After being fooled by the Aliens: Colonial Marines demo:

Woah, that's so hypnotic I'd almost think it's Bobsplosion's new avatar.

"And remember, always spay and neuter your hedgehogs."

I had one of these when I was little. It's a LEGO vacuum. Didn't work worth a damn on carpet though. xp

I want this game for PC, but I don't want it until it's fixed. I want to enjoy it, not get frustrated with it, so i'm being patient, March 2014 it's on.