i was JUST about to say that
i was JUST about to say that
I obviously meant it as a positive. Who ever calls something "fresh and different" and means it as a negative?
"Man the flavour of these new Lays is fresh and different. I hate it!"
I can see how people would be offended
I saw some pretty bad reviews of this game but i bought it day one and i think it's EASILY worth the 15 bucks. It's not perfect but it's pretty damn fun, challenging and has a ton of throwbacks and reminders of TMNT past without being super obvious about it.
those steroid reptiles are not the turtles. I personally really like what they look like in Out of the Shadows. Each turtle has a very distinct look that matches their personality.. and they are fresh and different.
Copyright claim from Ubisoft.. video no longer available
i stopped reading that comment after the words "complete game". The "complete game" was released a long time ago with no DLC. the DLC ADDS to the "complete game" to give you more reasons to play. If you love the borderlands universe but cannot stand to level another character to max and see the same story over and…
i would have 'shopped the kid's head into the scene in TMNT where the kids are playing poker in the Foot Clan hideout. haha
let me guess... high level tanking gear? lol
yeah some launches are smoother than others but I don't think any of them have been problem-free.
I'm sad to see so many people instantly reject the monthly subscription.I've said it before and I'll say it again; the player base is generally a TON better in subscription games vs F2P.
To anyone who has ever sat behind a computer screen for hours and hours to make any video game- thanks! :-)
i've still watched gameplay, reviews and read up about a game or two that i've paid money for and realized i hated playing it after 2 hours. good games.. just not my style i guess. waste of money, but good lesson for the future! lol
i don't usually take the lego games too seriously but this looks like tons of fun actually!
yes i found that annoying. i came here for a trailer, not to see how many people are visiting sony during their press events
You lose a match and have to get to an evac point at the end before the enemy team cleans up? that looks so bad ass. I really hope this will live up to all this hype. I would even install Origin on my PC for this
The one advantage most people aren't thinking about here is the difference in the playerbase. I think sub mmos have better communities. Not saying every single person you meet in the sub mmo will be an angel or a joy to deal with but i have noticed that you meet a lot more friendly/helpful people in a game where you…
I've only ever used Logitech for my gaming PCs. To me they feel good, look good, last a long time, perform well, and have never let me down. For these reasons i've never felt a need to buy a flashier or more popular mouse.
havn't owned a nintendo system since gameboy pocket. no wonder i missed this. thanks :)
I've always loved the idea of a game in which you have a fighting robot that you can use to fight other robots for their parts and money to buy more parts. Customizing all your bot's peices to a meaningful and useful end (ie not just cosmetic) and having it be more powerful and more fun to use! Closest ive played so…