
been waiting for a deus ex movie for close to half my life! I hope it's at least half as good as the game(s)

don't bother :P

what do you mean "everyone"?

a psychic duck that is always holding its head because it has a headache. not sure but it could be one of the more brilliant fictional creatures I've heard of lol

that was very lovely to watch... but where did they get a giant glass apple?

There's no stoppin' what can't be stopped. No killin' what can't be killed.

what is dead may never die

he is acting man. next you gunna take bugs bunny's character way too seriously and cut him up too? yeah tell the internet how much of a glutton he is, and a lying trickster. What does he need that many carrots for anyway?

apparently it shrinks a lot lol

forget the cameo, i want a whole game just about stan lee kicking ass and teachin lessons... OLD SCHOOL

pretty silly and entertaining way to tell blizz to stop mucking about with the patches... but if this were an in-person complaint i could only imagine the blank, knowing stare he would get during, and the righteous slap he would get after such a long-winded and sarcastic story :/

this is the same ketchup..? ok i believe that.. same mustard? sure why not... same patty?.. wait what? how fuckin stupid do you think we are?

make those things into a game or move and take my money plz

yeah i only had a lvl 7 wizard when i discovered the issue, and then i had to re-dl the client because on tuesdays the game would be down ALL day instead of just a few hours, but all of these were just slight inconveniences.. but inconveniences nonetheless that could have been a lot more annoying for someone who didnt

i really like diablo 3 and i really like blizzard but ... since the merge with the evil company everyone loves to hate and bullshit like this... i am starting to lose more and more and more trust and respect for the company. I totally understand that these games are not simple, and bugs are going to be present no

it will die when the sun sets in the east, the seas run dry, and xbox and ps3 fanboys shake hands and say "both out consoles are fun and worthy for playing games, now lets stop being retarded haters and play some games"

i'm all about the PC gaming over here, but i also have my PS3 for exclusives, and sometimes a co-op game that my friends all have on ps3, and would like to play with them. There sure are a LOT of flaws with PC gaming as i'm sure 99% of the comments will point out but the benefits make up for it for me. The shit-tons

Black Ops 2 is going to be a great zombie game... hmmmm..... yeahhh i'm going to have to ask you to go ahead and quit writing reviews forever now. That really would be grrreeaaat

hot damn that looks awesome

as a hoodie addict i must say "TAKE MY MONEY! TAKE IT! TAKE IT ALL!"