
when i close my eyes it makes me think of Spartacus in the future :O

thats what i said! i guess there was an implied Spoiler Alert lol

don't blame pirates. anyone who took the time to try the demo saw how disappointing of a PC port it was and either said "fuck this game" or got it on the console instead

Does anybody else really hate these graphical comparison videos?

what where they thinking?

WoW sucked back when it started. it was also a ton of fun. Now WoW doesn't suck as much (IE class balancing, different and interesting types of quests, less restrictions on class/race combos, easier quest tracking blah blah blah) and it's not fun anymore.

I got one word for you 50centbloodonthesand. you're welcome.

ROFL! Portal to an awesome dimension


looks cool! going back to something that has you use a bit more imagination

would ya look at them textures

"double you double you double you dot troll retard reviews dot com" what a useless web site. Games are described as "yellow" and "dusty" and some are a "masterpiece" and "over rated" and "boring" all at the same time lol

they are probably trolling but no matter what happens in the game, america did win in the end irl. Here in Canada the British mostly won out, cept for Quebec... but nobody likes them.

four words: Lost Da Vinci Prototype! lol

right after i clicked this vid Run to the Hills started playing on my iPod... Iron Maiden is excited for AC3 too

they pronounced it that way in Dissidia ... but i still disagree lol

just makes that pic more awesome

i would guess steam for the cloud saves. i didn't even realize gamespy still existed. Have not used it since 12 years ago to play Aliens vs Predator :P

that steamy letter really got resolution up