
you can always sell them to vendor for $

"i have made a grand achievement! against all odds i managed to die 100 times! booyah!"


Pretty cool, especially for a web series! I can't stand the super shortness tho. i will wait till a bunch of them are out and watch them all at the same time lol

at first i'm like "170 no wai"

lol so it does. my brain is not trained to see those two letters in front of that word ><

i wasnt impressed by the first screens i saw for this years ago, but the more i read the more excited i get!

i understand that Zenimax is scared that someone will take lots of money away from them, but you don't have to be a huge dick to an indie developer that is willing to co-operate (i assume)

I love the "100% OFFICIAL!" *This product is NOT licensed, approved or endorsed by Microsoft*

FemShep girl's suit looks like it's actually made of carbon fiber! very very cool just for that texture alone, but gotta mention the facial scarring. lotsa really awesome cosplay going on here.

looks pretty awesome! Too bad i don't ever seem to have a chance to play my portables anymore. they just sit around collecting dust. i love the two thumbsticks tho- so many possibilities for the shooter genre!

you sorta have to see his point. I see ads as invasive people shoving their stupid products in my face in an attempt to warp my brain into thinking i want them. Gaming isn't supposed to be like that. But this subway thing is still a cool idea and doesn't have to be participated in. As long as Drake doesn't have a

i hope we get in. we have as many subways in Ontario as iHops in the states it seems!

lol this is a cool idea. the one thing that strikes me as kinda lame is all the subway logos and stuff. they really didn't go for subtlety, and I'm one of those "screw the big corporations! I don't wear their logo unless they are paying me!"

-one thinggie comes at you.. you attack it, it multiplies by 2.-

you could take the gold filter out by telling Adam to take his sunglasses off.. take them off or *turn* them off.. depending on how you want to look at it.

i need this. it will be the perfect gift for my friend who facepalms at the mention of george clooney and batman in the same paragraph.

i really do need to read those books. thanks for the clarify Gil :D

could be some kind of evil BLACK FIRE!

The books and HBO series are amazing and so fucking brutal. I guess its hard to capture that kind of awesomeness in an RTS hence the pegi 12 rating. And yeah the wall in that trailer makes it look like you could take a few leisurely stair cases to the top lol