
fps russia ftw!

there were some pretty nasty reviews for Duke Nukem.. even one on Kotaku that, to me, came off as very snobby and maybe a little pompous.

To add to your comments- Not only is this bad for the singular consumer, but how does this help PC gaming or the PC gaming community as a whole? We don't need anymore bloatware (i like that term) and bullshit. We don't need different programs trying to be the next Steam just to play certain games from certain

What good could this possibly do for PC gaming? Screw EA and screw Crysis. The game has nice graphics that makes my 1 year old gaming rig feel obsolete, and probably wouldn't be fun for more than a couple of weeks :P

Ummmmm.... they realize they are being retards, right? I just went from maybe thinking about wanting that game when the price drops a bit (it was on my steam wishlist) to not being interested in it at all. The game doesn't look like it would be fun for more than a couple weeks in the first place, why limit the places

That looks like the photocopy machine they smashed in Office space. Also, it would be so lame that it would be funny if they called the next Microsoft console the Xbox 720 lol

Did we just witness a big fat BUG that aired live on TV? I don't own an xbox nor have i ever played any gears of war for longer than 15 mins at a buddy's place, but i assume such an awesome and popular series would have big boss battles where the big-giant boss does more than the same chomp-chomp-chomp and pose

very cool idea. split screen is gay but... glasses are gay too

Why don't they do the same thing they did with other EA titles like Mass Effect 2 and make it so that if you buy the game brand new (ie NOT USED COPY) you get a special and free code for addons? That way you put the bastards that buy a used copy from Gamestop at a disadvantage and they can complain all they want

I dont know if that would be funny, nostalgic or reallllly cheesy if when you died you heard Bill Paxton say "GAME OVER MAN!" rofl

They are really different. The first was an awesome horror/suspense movie. And the second was more of a sci-fi action/thriller. If you don't like classic action movies with big 'splosions and guns and many soldiers (even the female soldiers were manly!) then i suppose Aliens isn't for you.

I agree i want this to be something new and cool. AvP 1 was a kick-ass game and when i heard Rebellion was doing the newest one I was excited! Then i played it... :P

you forgot Alien: Resurrection - Embarrassment :))

its not Wii its Wii U!

RAGE and Prey 2 are less popular than FFXIII-2? What's happening to us?!

highly agree about everything since FFX was bad.. sadly i bought a number of them including the massively disappointing FFXIII. I played the first 6 hours and haven't touched it in over a year.

still better than the Wii. Doubt they are trying too hard to get photo realism, lest they scare away the family/casual crowd

ROTFLMAO holy shit the images... the awesome, epic images!

well we don't wanna hang around with a bunch of smelly blacks ops players anyway!

can it give me a way-too-hard high five?!