
they need to release the SDK for it so we can download custom/user made challenges

Yeah cuz REAL GAMERS are ignorant and intolerant dickheads that have to antagonize everyone, even their fellow gamers, right? :P I dislike CoD, Halo, and the 360 as much as anyone, but i won't hesitate to call anyone who spends a large amount of time on those things a "real gamer". Anyone who gives enough of a shit

if you think this is like borderlands, and you found borderlands boring, i'd say you didnt play borderlands lol. Other than being FPS, they have nooooothing in common with each other. Borderlands may have gotten old faster than they would have liked, but it's not a boring game :D

Saboteurs? Ha never had a problem with them as a tactician. Plus you learn to question what every one of your team mates is doing. If you are defending a point, and some random team mate seems to be heading in from the opposite side, shoot the mofo in the head a few times. If he's a real team mate, no skin off your

I'm pretty sure the amount of money he could make with this would warrant him being written off the show for a couple episodes. maybe his character went on vacation? lol

he probably said "What game? Black Ops?! Fuck that noise"

you kill an enemy- sometimes it drops money, sometimes a useless item, sometimes a sorta useful item, sometimes a REALLY EPIC AWESOME RARE ITEM, and the pursuit of these rare items alone can fuel hours and hours of gaming. Think World of Warcraft, Diablo, Borderlands

at least we don't smack them with a big stick and drag them away by the hair anymore. Unless you are from Texas



yeah women actually complain about them >.<

maybe console generations should be abolished. With all of these cross-platform games getting shitty ports to other consoles, nobody wins but the retailers who sell the games for profit. I played Bulletstorm demo on the PC yesterday and although it was kinda fun, i was very veryyyy disappointed at the horrible port. I

Cap deserves an awesome game. He's friggin' Captain America! I am Canadian, so don't mistake me for some patriot or something.. the character is just so awesome, and never as well received as Wolverine, Spider-Man, Iron Man, or many others that he could beat up IRL! :D

LOL and you get a nice zoom-up of that face right in the start of Max Payne 1 when he is up on the tower with the rifle, if i am not mistaken. It's been a few years

I can just imagine the comic book art style and the original Max Payne voice narrating that. It's awesome and funny at the same time lol

It's ok. I dont play WoW anymore, but they added "cheevs" a while ago. I didn't give you credit though, the thing was funny haha

i wasn't too impressed by the fat bald max payne the first time i saw screens for this game a long time ago, and not too impressed right now either, but slightly more interested in the game. Didn't know it was going to be a time-jumping game. Still though, why do they make a game character we love and shit on him in a

yes there are achievements in WoW... lol

best one so far

Rest well