
Postman Pat!

I even have trouble listing my top 3 favorite games of all time... let alone the 10 best games of all time. My number one would have to be without a doubt Deus Ex. After that i can tell you my favorite from most genres but my gawd there are so many! CoD4, AvP, God of War, Smash Bros, early Final Fantasy, KZ3, Ratchet

yeah i have a dell screen as well. i believe they are made by Samsung. It has one issue that sometimes i need to hit the power button more than once to turn it on, but other than that its great

Short version- anything new will be miles ahead of 10 year old technology! Go treat yourself to something big and shiny! As far as multi-screen goes.. i dislike multi screen gaming (one big-ass screen does fine for me), but for work there are lots of jobs that could take advantage of having that much more screen

Havnt played DA2 yet, but has the lack of another "Miranda" from a different bioware game created more whining troll kids than if they DID put one in there? I can also see someone on the forums creating a multi-post campaign against such a character because it's "typical Bioware", and "not imaginative" and "lame" and

i hardly consider romantic options in a video game to be a "need" lol sorry Doc Spock

it's possible that the jungles look nicer because there is less going on, as far as complex textures. Also possible that Crysis 2 doesnt look as good now that it's multi platform. Looks pretty sweet to me

if you are itching to get behind a big-ass gun in an FPS i'd say no better game to get into than this. Crysis games have a big reputation and it seems from every review i've read that Crysis 2 measures up to the standards we hold for any game that has 'cry' in the title. Dont take my word for it, because the hype and

dammmnnn they jacked up the price because of Human Revolution coming out soon like Blizzard did the same thing to their SC1 and Diablo battle chests. Used to be 20 bucks, after Diablo 3 / SC2 got announced, price went to $40. I got my copy of Invisible War around the holidays so i guess it was one of their famous


LOL reminds me of dumping bodies down sewer,vent hole holes in Hitman and having just the guy's wrist catch on the edge, leaving his body dangling like his watch is caught on something. I dont remember the "rag doll" physics to be realistic but i do remembering it being funny as hell. It was almost part of the game's

as much as i don't want to feed the fires of hate on here, i gotta agree. i was never interested in those games, tried them and didn't enjoy them, yet heard so many people go on and on with positive reviews and i think i even heard some ramblings about a major motion picture. Not saying they sucked just that i dislike

i agree that splinter cell was pretty much ruined with all the brutal killing (i liked playing through those games without killing a single person or setting an alarm) but i can't see IO making a cop-out game with everyone's favorite bald clone killer in it.

very cool. totally useless from what i can see, unless theres some vids of him at least being able to do a few missions in easy mode, but cool and unexpected nonetheless

you can get them for less from Steam i think. I saw DE1 for 0.99c and even saw brand new- still in plastic copies of DE and Tomb Raider and a few others for 1 dollar at a dollar store

"Starting with your last post, I'm not reading any more of your posts until you start using capital letters, spelling words *correctly*, and, just in general, practicing the English language." and using commas and using complete sentences.

flustered? nope.. lol funny that you would get that. i find you really funny just talkin all kinds of crap. btw i only read the first sentence and a bit of the middle of your lil reply there cuz it was too long and probably just full of more bs.. haha research. you make me laff, bro. You did so much research that you

bottom line is the developers want to bring a certain art style to life. If that style is realistic like Heavy Rain, or crazy way-out-there fantasy like Final Fantasy, or maybe a hyper sexual Japanese art style with god-like attitudes and bodies that seem to be sculpted from stone, the characters are going to reflect

not a fan boy.. i really dont care much for MMOs or games that take place in the Star Wars universe.. funny you call me a troll and a fanboy when it seems you are a Guild Wars 2 fanboy who is trolling this post with stupid comments lol. you are a silly silly bitch :)