
do like all the other germans are saying and get it imported or go across the boarder

yeahh but Bulletstorm looks new and interesting and cool. i agree, not a 1st day buy because we will too busy with the other awesome games, but thats what the $19.99 bargain bin is for 3 months later when we are gettin tired of KZ3

you can watch a chick get 10 live eel shoved in her lady-parts but my god you better pixilate that vag!

hahaha yeah they sure love their hard core sex. same with some movie channels from south USA. Lotsa violence and sex but all the swearing is cut out. i can shoot you in the head and do your sister, but i cant say "shit"

lol what if he died? cant blame a guy for dying.. maybe he died saving 50 children from a school bus that was about to fall off a cliff into an active volcano while hitler's ghost waited with flaming hot pokers!

if you are dumb enough to play runescape.. and get "married" in a virtual world when there are probably no virtual advantages (like you and your wife/husband get extra XP or something after you are married) then you fail @ life and are likely to find yourself in fucked up situations

ho. you spell ho with an H.

in all fairness.. an old man sexually abusing or even just having sex with an underaged girl is way more fucked up and should be dealth with BEFORE a theft. but the fact that they do not deal with the theft at all in the first place is retarded. They pretty much write down what got stolen and a description and if one

LOL thats what i was thinking! I played it about.. o geez it was 10 years ago now! crazy. it looks quite different now too

@DocSeuss: its not right in the middle. its realistically in the middle. there is a thing in FPS that can ruin it for me, and thats where the gun is. In a lot of games they try WAY too hard and get it wrong, making it look like your character is holding the gun way over onthe side of his body, as if he has a giant

@Rampage: there still might be updates, big fixes, patches, helping customers who are having tech issues etc.

not bad news for me! i would never get 1943, and i really like BC2 but im too cheap to spend 15 bucks on an expansion. Now i have a shiny new game to look forward to! i say good move

@INFAMOUSMrChewy: yeahh.. i guess you gotta see the movie to get it? or maybe played more Pokemon games than just red and blue? or the aweome re-dos fire red and leaf green? lol

@dreaming neon black: i was thinking that as well... but maybe he had to be in those shitty movies because of contracts or a need to support his million-dollar-a-day crack habbit?

@zark169: worst movie i've ever seen, and my buddies and i look for these turds - Alien 3000. Havnt seen Dracula 3000 but i will put it next on the list

wait wait wait Heavy Rain movie? Got Fail?

@Greyspectre: i already really really really regret paying 60 3 weeks after buying it :P

@8thR: lol and thats when i stopped watching

@ShenaniganSnake: i believe he mentioned that he was playing against bots because the addon was not live yet

@Ralph Macchio: i know this works on PS3. if you sign in with your account on a different ps3, you get access to games/addons that have been purchased by you on PSN do download onto any other system, and as far as i know you do NOT need to be singed into the purchaser's PSN account to play them