
gotta be sonic :P

@rickster999: i fancy myself a bottle of Quantum in the morning. makes my pee glow with delight

the flat and warm pepsi might give you the energy to deal with life for the next few hours.. but is it worth it? :O

i'm not offended here.. just because the movies are "geared towards" us as the gaming generation doesnt mean us gamers asked for these shitty movies to be made. I'm sure we all love watching a good 'ol action movie, but watching one that sucks ass- like, sayy.. Ninja Assassin or Blood Rayne.. we know it sucks ass and

oh! if you have an FPS fan that has been stuck on the crappy multiplayer of CoD, get them a copy of BFBC2. For 20 bucks?? heck yeah

Genre: Island Death Simulator ... not exactly what i would tell someone who asked me "what IS minecraft?" but thats a pretty awesome sounding genre

@ak-blanc: ah so you dont live here. yeah at about 7-9am and 11am-1pm and maybe a couple other little time windows there is usually the huge rush of the addicts and freaks. specially if you go further up north where all the canadian red necks hang out lol. canada is the opposite of the US. Instead of moving south to

@CRRRUNK ... ಠ_ಠ: yeah! matter of fact, fuck large-chain coffee places in general!

@ak-blanc: tim hortons is a place for slackers to loiter, old people to spend their days and addicts to flock to. i fuckin hate that place. Going in there feels like walking through an alley in the middle of the night with all the crack heads lining up to buy from their dealer. school kids that shouldn't be there

were they planning on charging for playing CoD online? i think i was in the bathroom when they announced that

@t88: but you stay for the violence?

@Nomanslander: i dont claim to know much about films.. what did i get wrong? the forecasted demographics of a movie that isnt made yet, or the one that will never exist? :P

@Otis M. Whiitaker: meh not all of what you say is true, man. I met my wife on WoW, and many good friends that i still keep in contact with even after i quit. There used to be many cool people on WoW. Nowadays everything is very rushed, you dont need to talk to people to group up with them because of the group finder

i played WoW when it first came out and only quit about 5 months ago (there was SOME on-and-off). And back then the game sucked! well sucked compared to how it is now anyway. classes were very very imbalanced, a lot of things were much more difficult, hardly any features blah blah blah. theres a list as long as time

wow pretty cool. too bad i already own 3 copies of DE 1.. one of which is still in the original wrapping lol. i actually did see DE1 and Tomb Raider 1 at a DOLLAR store.. yeah for a dollar each :P

blizz making a call of duty MMO.. i think i just fired ma lazorz! but serious.. "we will not charge you to play CoD online" wtf does that mean? Were they planning on charging people monthly to play CoD online? Did i miss something? Thats like saying "the US government has said today that they will never charge you to

@Hatebunny: sorry what i meant was if the movie was EXTRA fail then many many many more of us will not see it. even tho it is going to be "normal fail" (i like that) i will still see it and i'm sure you will too, and so will a lot of us gamers and non-gamers. If it was an uwe boll piece of shit, NOBODY would watch it.

i would rather see Hayden Christensen play Nathan Drake and Uwe Boll direct it than have the man who helped RUIN the Max Payne movie in there. I am not even gunna start to mention Nathan Fillion because i am sure 90% of the comments here are about him. Sorry Marky Mark, but you FUCKIN FAIL!

@BrandonMkIII: WHAT?! did you WATCH Max Payne? After playing the games? Did you watch The Happening and think "wow this pansey is gunna be max payne". Did you watch Firefly? And Serenity? Did you not think "wow Nathan Fillion is super fuckin awesome!!"????