Lord Dr. Nürburgring III, Esquire

@jodark: I'd rather have Sabine somewhere else actually...although that's probably not safe while driving.

Maybe if we pump enough money into education, a few of those students will get jobs at GM and build a car called the "Volt2" that's actually All-Electric instead of this pathetic excuse...sure, I think it looks decent, but it's not what I expected...

5th times the charm?

It's not that this doesn't look great but...this just looks a lot better to me. I also wish they'd have brought it to the US...

Three Fifths eh? That's quite a compromise...I think we should put it to a vote.

@Skink: Well I would love one of those. It's gorgeous.

My my what is that red and white beauty with the clear roof I'm gazing on right now?

@RB26Skyline- hibernating bear: I mean if I can find one in Central Jersey with less than 90K miles for under my budget of 3 grand, then that sounds like a great car.

@jbh1126: It's no big deal, although I don't think I'd ever be able to handle that much speed and power in a car that awesome without hearing the horrible "Test Fail" music in GT4.

@rebeldevil: Oh my dad already has an E46 M3. That's what I've been driving with my permit under his supervision. I'm trying to be really careful with it and I haven't had an accident yet, but my first car will most likely be a Civic or something, then maybe a nice step up in a few years from then.

@SagarikaLumos: That's awesome, in a flashy but cool color I'd hope.

@Alejandro Barrios: I got a Nissan Race Car for a license test too, but I couldn't remember the name to get a pic of it.

@jbh1126: I never said that my friend. This is just the fastest thing I've ever driven, not the only one. :P

@rebeldevil: At my high school there are two seniors with Camaros, three with Mustangs, and one with a 2009 Mercedes CLS.

Got my international A license just a few weeks ago. This was the first test.

@azaraith: They're awesome. They really are.

@Nayrlladnar: It was a Lamborghini. I know that much. We were at the dealership and my dad asked the sales guy if he could take me for a test ride. I was young, so it was vague. But I remember the speed, boy do I remember the speed.

Not bad for a stupid kid with a Permit, I guess...

@Dwight-K-Schrute: Well I mean for someone who "bought his way in", a 2nd place finish in 06 and 08 is pretty commendable, wouldn't you agree?