Lord Dr. Nürburgring III, Esquire

Maybe now T-Mobile will stop making those horrible MyTouch 4G commercials with that Canadian lady with the huge forehead...although that could just be me upset since I got an iPhone 4 last week and now I'm trying to compare the two in my mind.

@$kaycog: Good afternoon! A little off of my guess of hitting 9 grand, but yeah, I knew it'd at least pass the 5K mark, it's a truly remarkable car. know what they say about Porsche drivers...

@Jilkon: Well she was pretty annoying I guess.

@Ravey Mayvey Slurpee: Hell, why stop there? Airbus A380 Rolls-Royce engine, 15,200 pounds of thrust. Might get it down to minutes...

@Azukira: Hahaha, I watched the Quick Look, and they were watching the intro and saying stuff like

Let's see if the 600 Grosser can be turned into a drag racer. Quarter mile, in seconds or in days?

@3rdshift: Well regardless, Valve has made the updates and DLC free of charge for the Steam version, and tried to do so for the 360 version, but Xbox Live regulation forbade that. Regardless of what it came out to be, it's evolved into a user-friendly and community-rich game, with it's weekly mutation game modes and

@3rdshift: I liked what I pointed out about CoD that I also found in UC2. The MP and the Single-Player modes are nearly identical in playstyle and content. I like how well it played and how that, after going through the entire campaign, I could seamlessly flow through into the multiplayer. Any successful game should

@MrSnuffles: I have to agree, look at TF2 and L4D2 for Steam. All free updates and DLC, helps them grow a much larger fanbase, and that's what keeps me addicted.

@PeterLorre: Exactly. Stop hating on the UI, you get smooth jazz. I still only have GT4 and I get crappy keyboard music...

@PeterLorre: But....smooth jazz in the loading screens!

@Maxjes: Only 5 hours? Only 94 more to go I bet.

@3rdshift: Being a PS3 owner, I've grown to accept that PSN will always lag behind live just a bit. So I try to focus on the single player experience and I enjoy the MP as a kind of add-on of sorts. However, the Modern Warfare/Black Ops series have shown me that the multiplayer is truly addicting. I think it's a

@RawrSpoon: Go to Korea and learn the ways of the SC2 Gods.

@rolsenrob: inFamous 2 might be a little better, let's hope they fix the aimbot crap. It's why I played it once on normal and once on hard and said to hell with it.

@jaz350z: If Rico could at least have revived me (Like the devs have said about KZ3) I wouldn't have minded him, but his crappy dialogue and lack of support in combat have made him absolutely worthless.

@Jilkon: I think picking the evil poster was something difficult too...