Lord Dr. Nürburgring III, Esquire

@viKx: The 599XX isn't though. And with vents for "rear lights" I wouldn't think so. The GTO is still damn fast, but it won't be quite as fast as the 599XX. Regardless, I'd be blessed to drive either one haha.

@Mysta: So you're saying that something you didn't say but simply implied "has" to be true? Quite a few falsifications if I do say so myself.

@K5Blazer91: Thankfully I just have a permit, so I'm in the clear.

@The Second Spitter: Like, the colors and lights look just like it's a softer colored Matchbox or something, it doesn't look like a real car at all.

I'll be taking the 5% of buses that run on escaped North Korean pedal power from now on.

Is that a toy car or something? I swear that Camaro looks like it came out of a cereal box.

Damn teenagers. They should all have their licenses revoked.

I still wish it was Street Legal.

@D_Robb: Oh god, you're my savior.

Sickness is an emotion right?

@Mysta: Well all I'm saying is that for the money, there's better options. But if you do have more money than sense, then by all means, get one. However, I don't think that applies to anyone on this site, myself included.

@Mysta: Just because someone has the money doesn't mean that they can't be economical. Having $2,000,000 doesn't mean you should just go out and buy a Veyron. Because saving 1.7 million dollars and getting a Gallardo 560-4 is the smarter thing to do, and it's got better performance. Like spending half the money of the

@GrandmaSideways: I was gonna say that, but then I wondered..."Ben can ban people right?"

@GrandmaSideways: Well that makes sense. Yeah, Farm Girl Twins could be an EcoBoost/TwinForce kind of thing. I think I saw that on a movie once too. That's stimulating the American Economy, right?

@Sensei Hikaru: I do too man, I do too. My grandparents would rather pay for a new car than let me buy my own with my own money. I guess it's a pride thing. Either way, if there's a new MR2, that would mean I get to have the fun of the old MR2 (Assuming Toyota gets it right, and seeing as how the LFA is a good car,

@Scandinavian Flick: Hey, is this because of that thing on Jezebel? Because you were there first...

Congratulations man, that was hilarious. HolyFuckingTurbo, that's brilliant.

@Ben Wojdyla: I thought TwinForce was when you get two drunk identical sisters into your room at the same time...