@twitchykun(lvl. 75 otaku Hoon): Deluxe Edition.
@twitchykun(lvl. 75 otaku Hoon): Deluxe Edition.
@LastActionZero: Yeah but what do you say when you've killed someone with the energy sword? You can't scream out "HADOUKEN!". You just can't.
@spiegel1: And don't get me started on the "Blanka Package". Bright green, orange vinyls, and a sweet ass lightning effect coming from the roof.
What? She just wanted to have it her way. Sure that's Burger King, but after being molested as a child by that pedophile, she deserves it, don't you think?
Hey now, this isn't fair. Don't be hating on Audi just because they're trying to get a little more cash for what really is, Pussy Magnet Yellow. And if the Italians can do it, why can't the Germans? At least we're not charging $1.2K to paint the R8's sideblade body color. At least we're not charging $4,000 to let you…
@Shadowguitar: Am I not the only one that sees that? I sure hope not.
It was later discovered the rescue team was kidnapped and savagely attacked by a group of "Mama Grizzlies"...no word yet from Russian Authorities, who seemed to have territorial responsibility for the area.
@jcd302: Not at all. Considering I hate FOX anyway.
You can clearly see the influence for those stripes, which leads me to believe that this should now be called the F-150 "Ryu Package".
@a1ek5ant3ri: Yeah but, that's a horrible way of thinking. I'd love my car like I'd love my child, or my best friend, and if I lost one I'd be damn mad to lose another.
@Sensei Hikaru: Yeah but think about it, no one's got one yet, so how can you possibly compare reliability? I've seen quite a few well built Porsche 911 Turbos that have made it loads past 30,000, past 60,000 even. The fact is they are reliable, and the Ferrari's haven't broken down yet at least. Seriously, you can't…
@bl1tzkr13g911: It truly is magnificent, really.
See, you can't do this in America. Thanks Founding Fathers, you couldn't have bumped the limit up to like, 95?
@bonestock94: That's interesting though, I hadn't thought about the fact that a damn expensive house wouldn't have a driveway, but lol yeah, look at that photo, there's clearly some kind of path behind him, or at least a clearing where he could have parked.
@bonestock94: Yeah but I mean it's very possible this is his house, and this was done overnight. Especially when you consider it is New York, you'd wonder why (if this isn't his house) he'd bring a GT-R anywhere and leave it on the street.
@LuckyChuck: The videos themselves are funny, but he's a complete prick. He's very annoying and he makes fun of practically everything. NASCAR, most races, women, you name it, he'll do his best to butcher it's reputation. In one very touching video of a lion that was released into the wild being reunited with their…
Who the hell leaves any car over $40,000 on the street? Odds are if you can afford the car, you can afford a garage. And if you've spent all your money on the car, odds are you should return it.
@LuckyChuck: Saw that on Tosh.0. Hilarious.
Retards just kicked in, yo...
How dare you insult the Chrysler Cuddlebear?