Lord Dr. Nürburgring III, Esquire

Hey, that's a Pink Corvette to you Ben. It's fast dude.

@Ben Wojdyla: Does it come equipped with a Radio or a Phonograph?

@$kaycog: Little did he know he would have to face the mighty Nürburgring and his time traveling DeLorean and lose in an 88.8 lap race.

@HeadTater: They might...but they're classic Ford owners. They'll just cut you up with a chainsaw...

Can't be worse than the fiery anger of the "Morris Marina Owners Club" can it?

@Roberto G.: What? Girls Gone Wild: Coeds Unleashed never existed?

Hahaha, love the "Classic" Scrubbing bubbles commercial. Interesting to know it hasn't really changed over the years, because I guess it still works.

Nice one man, that's so worth it.

@Scandinavian Flick: Best not to drive an Alfa then...that'll be a mess everytime you get in the driver's seat.

"What do you mean BP isn't buying any more Oil from us? Do you know what this means? It's either the solid gold Lamborghini Diablo, the Ferrari, or the Solid Gold Wife! Do you think I can make this kind of decision? Well, I do suppose one isn't gold..."

@jannanaphone: Apologies for the double post, one didn't come up as being posted. The message is pretty much the same, however, everyone here needs to calm down because it's not the end of the world if either of us are better drivers.

@jannanaphone: You don't really have the right to generalize, nor does anyone about either gender.

@jannanaphone: No reason to make generalizations now. We're not all "emotional and hysterical", not all women are "bad drivers" and not all men are distracted by women in skirts. That last one may be more of a hypothesis than a fact, but it's quite unfair to us as a "population" of sorts to assume such things about

Watching Car Racing when your blind suddenly becomes okay with the new Aztek Racing Series Extreme.

@LuciferV8: Beat me to it haha. You rule though.

It was later revealed he had a warrant for physical assault on this man in a McDonald's back in '97. The Police are still looking for the victim, who seems to be in hiding.

Now playing

I don't live in a development, and I'm damn proud of it, because the next time some woman who's head of the HOA complains that my grass is .5 millimeters above regulation, I'm gonna tell her to go file a complaint and mail it to my own organization, the Directory of Inter-Controlling house Knowledge.

@cobrajoe: You know what? That actually might be it.